Chapter 3 - New song is done ?

== A few days Later ==
== Studio ==

Tomoe : It's been a while since all 5 of us practice together! Ran, Good work on your study meeting.
Himari : What are you doing in the study meeting actually.
Ran : Many things.
Himari : Tell me in detail please~!
Ran : The Teacher... Well, it's my dad. Sometimes I just listening to dad's talk or chatting with other students, or just gathering while drinking tea.
Moca : Isn't it something that Ran hate doing~ Are you okay?
Ran : Well usually I dislike talking to someone whom I just first meet, but we all just talking about flower, so... I could learn something there.
Tsugumi : Ran-chan, Awesome...
Ran : I-it's not really that awesome....Anyway, let's stop talking about this. More than that, the new song is done.
Tomoe : Ehhh! Really!? Ran, Thank you, even though you are busy.
Ran : I also thought about the lyrics, well let's check it.
Himari : Waaa....! I can't wait--! Let's hear it!
Moca - Himari - Tomoe - Tsugumi : ..................
Ran : Nnnn.......What with this awkward Silence.
Tsugumi : I think This is a very good song! I like the part before the Reff!
Tomoe : I think this is a very good song too, I'm looking forward to arrange it. It's just that.....
Tomoe : I don't know about the lyrics though.
Ran : Eh...
Himari : I can't understand the lyrics. It's different than the lyrics that Ran usually makes.
Ran : I don't plan to do that though... What part you don't understand?
Himari : Hmm, what should I say..... I don't know how to say it though.....
Tomoe : Ran, you always make your experience with us into lyrics right? That's why the lyrics perfectly fit with us, but.....
Tomoe : But this time, the lyrics is too hard, it doesn't really fit with us.
Tsugumi  : I think the lyrics is cool, you know! But... There are many parts that I don't understand.
Ran : I see...
Ran : Sorry, I will fix the lyrics then.
Tomoe : Even though you created this while you are busy, I'm sorry I could only say something like this.
Tomoe : The melody is cool though, Let's start arranging it while Ran fixing the lyrics.
Himari : Yeah, That's right!
Ran : ......
Moca : ......

== On the way home ==
== Residential areas ==

Himari : Right Right, After looking at everyone schedule, I found the place where we could do our Live. I'll send it to the group chat, everyone please check it okay.
Tsugumi : Thank you Himari-chan. Toward that, we must do our best at our practice.
Moca : Hiichan, About the day of the Live, this is weekday noon isn't it?
Himari : Eee!? Let's see? aah......It's true.....uuu, Sorry.....
Tomoe : Ahahaha, don't mind. For you to just looking it for us is already a big help.
Tsugumi : That's right! I'm sorry we have to leave it to you all the time.
Himari : Uuuu, The two of you are so kind~.....
Ran : ......
Moca : Ran, What is it? You seem a bit doze out from a while ago.
Ran : Nothing.
Moca : I see. It's the face that Ran Always make right~
Ran : That right.
Moca : You're thinking about the lyrics, aren't you--?
Ran : The lyrics, Why is everyone thinks it doesn't fit, I've been thinking about that.
Moca : I also think that it's different from your usual lyrics. it's quite a strong lyrics~
Ran : Is that so?
Moca : I'm quite good at language, so I know about everything~
Ran : That's right, isn't it. Well, I will fix the lyrics first. I want to perform a new song too.
Moca : Yes, Good luck ~
Moca : ( Ran, had she realized it yet ? Why is that song doesn't reach us.)
Moca : (The reason is, probably.....)
Moca : ...


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