Chapter 1 - Yukata gathering

== Firework festival - Meeting place ==

Misaki : There she is. Oyyyy, Kanon-san.
Kaoru : So you're together with Hagumi, Kanon.
Hagumi : I picked up Kanon-chan-senpai in her home so that she doesn't get lost when coming here.
Kanon : Sorry for making you do that, Hagumi-chan. But I could get here safely thanks to it.
Kokoro : Everyone has gathered now! Then, It's time to see the firework!
Misaki : There is still some time until the Firework. Kokoro, did you forget the reason we gather here early?
Kokoro: ? It's because we can't wait to see the Firework, right?
Misaki : No, it's because we want to wander around seeing the stall first.
Kanon : Not only the Firework, but we could also write a Haiku based on this Festival.
Kanon : That's why, how about we enjoy this festival atmosphere first by wandering around and visiting the stall.
Hagumi : Hagumi want to eat apple candy!
Kaoru : Fufu. Then I'll have some Okonomiyaki.
Misaki : Everyone wants to do different things.
Kanon : Did we have the time to do all that?
Kokoro : I have a good idea! Let's separate into two groups and buy the thing that we want! With that, we could enjoy the thing that we wanna do without being in a hurry!
Kanon : That's a good idea!
Kokoro : Yes! Then, everyone! Let's go!
Kaoru - Hagumi - Kanon - Misaki : Oooo--!

== 30 minutes later ==

Hagumi : Miikun, Kokoron! We're here--!
Misaki : I'm getting worried because this place is getting more crowded, but it seems that there aren't many people in this area.
Kokoro : Yes! It's a perfect spot if we want to take a break.
Misaki : You're right...Eh? Where's Kaoru-san?
Kaoru : Kaoru-san said that she wants to buy a drink. The shop that she went to is probably crowded?
Hagumi : We have told her that we're gathering in here, so let's wait for her for a little bit longer!
Hagumi : Anyway, Kokoron. I've been curious about this for a while, but that thing that Kokoron hold, could it be...
Kokoro : Yes! This a cotton candy! Even the wrapping bag is cute, right?
Kanon : That drawing on the bag, is that the shop's original character?
Hagumi : Aaa, That's probably true! How nice!
Hagumi : But, Hagumi also bought something awesome~. Here!
Misaki : A bird-shaped brooch...Hmm, That's good, right?
Kanon : It matches with her Yukata, and Hagumi could also put it in the bag that she always use!
Hagumi : Right~! Ehehehe. I know that I must buy it when I first see it at the shop!
Kaoru : Hmm? It seems that everyone is having fun.
Kokoro : Kaoru! You're late!
Kaoru : I'm sorry for making you all wait. For, take this.
Misaki : Is this ... a Ramune? This is for us...
Kaoru : Even though the sun has set, it's still hot. Also, it's about time that everyone gets thirsty.
Kanon : Waaa...Thank you, Kaoru-san!
Kanon : Also, did anyone know about this? [Ramune] is also often used for summer seasonal words.
Kokoro : Is that so? Then that's perfect!
Kanon : You could also use [Yukata] or [Festival]... or maybe something a bit unusual like [Sunglasses] or [Summer camp] for the seasonal words.
Hagumi : Ehh, Is that so!? Even though [Sunglasses] is a modern word!
Hagumi : Then! Even if I write [ Kokoro's  / Yukata is cute / It suit her perfectly!] (Tn : Sorry it's not 5-7-5), it becomes a Haiku?
Kanon : Yes! But it's for our homework, so...maybe you should write something different...
Misaki : Ahaha, You will definitely get yelled if you submit that,
Kokoro : Is that so? Then...[Hagumi too / Your Yukata is / Extremely cute!]. How about that?
Kaoru : Fufu, That's good. [The two of you / Complementing each other Yukata / How fleeting]. Aaaa, How fleeting...!
Misaki : As I said, you can't just write it like that, it's too plain... And also, the haiku isn't about [A cute Yukata].
Kokoro : But the Yukata is definitely cute. Misaki too, you look really cute wearing that Yukata.
Misaki : That's~ not~ what~ I mean~...
Kanon : A- Ahaha...


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