Opening - Pasupare summer vacation

== Idol agency ==

Aya : [...That ish all from Pastel*Pallettes--!]
Aya : [Let's meet again next time, everyone--!!]
Hina : Ahaha, Aya-chan, you're stuttering with your speech in the end.
Aya : Uuu...
Maya :  The scale of this event is bigger than usual. I'm really glad that we could please the audience without any problem!!
Eve : Yes! It's a passionate, yet elegance event!
Maya : - I- Is that so?
Hina : Then! We have watched the video and done our evaluation meeting. With this, our work is finished...
Hina : It's time for our holiday!!! Summer holiday!!!
Aya : Yeah~!!!
Eve : I'm glad we could finish our summer job early!
Chisato : I never thought we could get this many day-off like this.
Hina : Then, since we rarely get the chance to do this, let's go on vacation together--!
Aya : Let's go! But, I still need to do my homework...
Hina : It's something that you can finish easily! Don't worry about that~!
Maya : Only Hina-san could say something like that.
Eve : Well, me too, I still haven's finish all of my homework... But, we never get the chance to do this, so I also want to go on vacation together with everyone!
Eve : We never went on a vacation together outside of our job...
Maya : You're right, this will be the first time the five of us go on a vacation together.
Hina : Then it's decided! Let's go on vacation together! You will come too, right, Chisato-chan?
Chisato : Yes, of course. Then let's go to a place where we could refresh ourselves? What about an Aquarium...
Hina : Let's see, the weather on the weekend is...Clear~. Let's go to the beach?
Chisato : B- beach...?
Aya : Waa, A beach! Let's go! Last year, I visit a beach too, but it's for a job, so I want to visit it again now.
Chisato : A beach, huh...
Aya : You don't want to, Chisato-chan?
Chisato : Yeah...I'm sorry to say this, but it's easy to get a sunburn on a beach, also seawater isn't good for our skin and hair.
Chisato : We're still an Idol after all... We must still think about our responsibility after the holiday is over.
Eve : Uuu... I'm sorry, Chisato-san. I didn't think that far.
Maya : You're right, we still need to think about our position. I'm sorry, I'm reflecting on myself.
Chisato : N- No! You don't need to apologize, It's not something to apologize for, but still, just in case...
Hina : Chisato-chan~ We won't have a chance to do this again, so let's go while we have the chance~. If we don't refresh ourselves, we can't do our job properly, right~?
Chisato : But... There will be many people on the beach, right? I don't think you could refresh yourself in a place like that.
Eve : The place that I went with Arisa-san last year doesn't really have any visitor! I think we could relax in that place!
Hina : There will also be many people in an aquarium. right?
Aya : Chisato-chan, are you still worried? I know after this holiday is over, we still need to do our job... But let's forget about that for a moment and have some fun!
Maya : Chisato-san. It's rare for the five of us to have a matching schedule like this, right? This is our only chance if we want to do this.
Hina : Chi-sa-to-ch~~~~n~~~~!!! Pleassee~~~!!!
Eve : Let's go, Chisato-san!
Chisato : ... Okay, I understand.
Aya - Hina : Yesss~~~~!!!
Aya : I'm glad that I bought a swimsuit before this~! Let's take a lot of photos over there!!
Maya : I haven't prepared my swimsuit.
Hina : Then, how about we prepared it together?
Maya : R- Really!? That's a big help~!!
Chisato : Sigh... Will this going to be okay...

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