Opening - Challenge! Write a Haiku

== CiRCLE Cafetaria ==

Hagumi : Today's practice is over~!
Kanon : Good work, everyone.
Misaki : I'm wondering if we're reserving the studio for too long, but because of that we could finish our new song, so it's all right I guess.
Kaoru : Aaa. All that left is to enjoy our remaining summer vacation while waiting for the new semester.
Kanon : Before that, we need to finish all of our homework first.
Hagumi : Homework, huh---. Hagumi hasn't done any of it. Have you finished your homework Mii-kun?
Misaki : I have finished most of it. But, I haven't made any progress in writing my Haiku.
Hagumi - Kokoro : Haiku...?
Misaki : What with that reaction. In our 2nd-year, we need to write a Haiku for our homework, you know.
Kokoro : Is that so. I don't know that!
Hagumi : I think Hagumi has heard about that somewhere before...
Kanon : A- Ahaha...
Kanon : But if you don't know about it, then it'll be difficult for you to write it, right. Is there something we can help?
Kaoru : Hmm? Kanon...are you good at composing a Haiku?
Kanon : I can't say that I'm good with it. But, I sometimes write it in tea ceremony club.
Kaoru : Is that so! Then let's do this. How about we do a Haiku writing challenge.
Kaoru : By doing that, it could probably help Misaki remember the thing that she learned in class.
Kanon : Yes, That's a good idea! What do you think, Misaki-chan?
Misaki : I'm really sorry for making you do this for me. But to be honest, it would really help me a lot.
Hagumi : Yeahh~!! With this, we could finish our homework properly!
Kokoro : Yes, You're right! Anyway, Kanon, what is a Haiku?
Kanon : Eeehh...I must explain it from there...
Kanon : Basically, Haiku is a poem written in a 5-7-5 syllable count.
Kanon : There's 2 basic rule when writing a  Haiku. First, you must write it in a 5-7-5 syllable count. Second, you must insert the [Seasonal word].
Hagumi : Seasonal word? What is that?
Kokoro : Is that some kind of spell?
Kanon : Seasonal word is a word that symbolizes the season of the poem.
Kanon : For example... the word that symbolizes spring is Sakura and School entrance ceremony. You can feel 'Spring' from those words, right? That's what it means by seasonal words.
Hagumi : Ooo~! I see~!
Misaki : Well choosing the seasonal words is certainly troublesome, but deciding on what to write for the Haiku itself is more troublesome.
Misaki : I have tried to write one, but in the end, I could only write [It's summer---].
Kokoro : Is that so? Hmmm...Kanon, For what reason did someone write a Haiku in the first place?
Kanon : Well it depends on the person... There's someone who wants to write it for their diary, there's also someone who wants to write it so they can post it in their SNS. There are so many reasons, you know?
Kanon : Or if you saw some amazing scenery and that scenery moved you. You could express that scenery using Haiku.
Kokoro : A diary with only 5-7-5 syllable count huh! That's sound fun!
Kokoro : But if we want to compose it, then first, we need to see some amazing scenery, right?
Hagumi : Amazing scenery... Hmmm... Then, shall we go to the sea?
Misaki : Sea, huh--, that sound troublesome. But then again, it's quite difficult to compose a Haiku with just scenery that we see every day...
Kanon : Then, how about we go to a Firework festival...
Kokoro - Kaoru - Hagumi - Misaki : Firework festival?
Kanon : Yes. It seems that this year, there's going to be a firework festival held in the neighboring city. I see the promotion poster of it in the station before this.
Kanon : It seems that the challenge of this year firework festival is to make a firework with a unique shape.
Hagumi : Really!? I want to go there~!!
Kaoru : Going to a Firework festival with everyone before the summer end. How wonderful.
Kokoro : Let's wear a Yukata on the day of the festival! It's going to be more fun that way!!
Hagumi : Agreed!!! Then, let's decided on our meeting time and place...
Kanon : E- everyone...Don't forget about the Haiku, okay...!

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