Chapter 3 - A phrase

== Yakatabune ==

Kanon : It has settled down...
Misaki : Seriously... Hagumi, Kokoro. Do you remember the reason we come here?
Kokoro : Eh, What...
Hagumi : What is it again?
Misaki : Don't say that. Come on, both of you. Remember it.
Hagumi : Ummm, Ummm... Ah! That's right, Haiku!!!
Kokoro : Aaaa...! You're right! I already forget about that!
Misaki : Of course you forget about it--.
Kanon : Ahaha...
Kokoro : Now that we remember our goal, let's write a Haiku now!
Hagumi : Yep! Ummm, The first thing we should do when writing a Haiku is---
Kokoro - Hagumi : Hmmm--.
Hagumi : Ehh? It becomes difficult to write it all of sudden.
Kokoro : You're right. I don't know what should I write now.
Misaki : Me too...Kanon-san, do you have any advice?
Kanon : An advice huh...Ummm...Then, how about everyone has a conversation while looking at the scenery.
Kaoru : So that's what you're planning. You want them to get some inspiration on what should they write using that conversation, right.
Kokoro : That's a good idea! Then, let's try it immediately. Hagumi, the wind feels nice!
Hagumi : Yes! The glittering river is also very pretty. Hagumi likes riding this Yakatabune.
Hagumi : But, Hagumi also likes the big ship that Kokoron invited us to before!
Kokoro : That was fun! Will Kaito hello happy come to this Yakatabune too?
Misaki : That's not possible~.
Kaoru : Fufu. But don't let your guard down, she'll probably appear again someday.
Kaoru : Anyways...Everyone. Look at the right side of that big building over there.
Kanon : Ummm...Ah! Could it be, that building over there is CiRCLE?
Hagumi : Ehh, Really!?
Kokoro : Awesome! Good job on finding it, Kaoru!
Misaki : Haaa---, So that's CiRCLE... It feels weird when seeing it from far away like this.
Kaoru : Aaaa. Even something that we usually see, when we see it on a different perspective, it will feel like something different.
Kaoru : I'm being reminded of that again today. Aaaa...How fleeting...!
Kanon : Fufu, You're right.
Kanon : [In this hot day / Talking with the wind / The voice of my friend] if we sum it into a phrase, then it probably likes this, right?
Hagumi : Ooo--! You're so cool, Kanon-chan-senpai!!!
Kokoro : Hagumi, Let's make a wonderful Haiku like that too!
Hagumi : Yes!
Misaki : Then, I'll do my best too.
Kanon : Good luck, everyone! If you have some kind of trouble, feel free to ask.
Misaki : Thank you very much. Even so, you really know a lot about Haiku, Kanon-san.
Misaki : Not only you can compose it so easily, you even know how to teach people how to write it.
Misaki : Could you probably write a Haiku on a daily basis...?
Kanon : It's not like that all...Ah, It's probably because I read a book about it?
Kanon : And also tea ceremony and Haiku have so many similarities, you know?
Misaki : It's something that has a [Peaceful] feeling in it, right.
Kanon : Fufu. Yes, You're right.
Kanon : You could feel peacefulness from both Tea ceremony and Haiku.
Misaki : Aaa---, You're right. Also, both of them has something that depends on the season, right?
Misaki : The ornament you use on tea gathering is always changing depending on the season, right?
Kanon : Yes. On a tea ceremony, the ornaments, the hanging scroll, and the flower are always selected based on their appropriateness for the occasion, including the season.
Kanon : It's because we're not only enjoying the tea there, but we also want to enjoy the atmosphere...We do all of that so we could have fun, and I think that's wonderful.
Kanon : Also the one suggests to write a Haiku while doing the tea ceremony is Eve-chan. [Tea ceremony and Haiku, it's all the same!] she said... Fufu.
Misaki : It put a smile on my face seeing Kanon-san explain something happily like that.
Misaki : But, I'm really satisfied with your explanation. It's a good idea to include Haiku in a tea ceremony.
Kanon : Really! Thanks, Misaki-chan! I'm going to tell Eve-chan about what you say later.
Misaki : Eh, You don't need to do that! It's embarrassing.
Kanon : Fufu. You don't need to be embarrassed.
Hagumi : I'm done--!!!
Kokoro : Me too, Hagumi! Has everyone done it too?
Misaki : Uwa, This's bad... I get too caught up with the conversation I forgot to write something...Wa- Wait for me!
Misaki : Kanon-san, we also need to write a Haiku.
Kanon : Yes. Let's make a beautiful Haiku.
Misaki : Yes. Let's do our best.


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