Chapter 3 - A small aquarium
Hina : Oo! So you came too Chisato-chan!
Eve : Welcome to this small aquarium!
Maya : Chisato-san, Look, you can see the inside of the sea if you peek through this hole.
Chisato : The inside of the sea...? Whoa...!
Aya : Let me see it too!
Chisato : There are so many small fishes swimming.
Aya : You're right~!
Chisato : Fufu, They're so cute.
Hina : Chisato-chan, you don't need to go to an aquarium if you want to see fishes, you can see it here.
Chisato : Yeah. Thank you for telling me this, everyone.
Aya : I wonder if I can take a photo of the fishes?
Maya : Aya-san, be careful not to drop your smartphone into the sea.
Aya : Okay! Just a little bit more~... Yes, I get it!
Aya : Look! It comes out nicely~!
Hina : Ooo---, You're right! Good job, Aya-chan--!
Eve : Ah! Look! There's a small crab in here.
Maya : Ooo, You're right! So cute~.
Hina : Ah! It's being washed away by a wave! Even so, It's still doing his best to move forward. So cute~.
Chisato : It's just like Aya-chan.
Aya : Eh? I'm like a crab?
Chisato : Even when you're being washed away by something, you still do your best to move forward.
Aya : Ah, you mean that~. Eh, Did you just praised me?
Hina : Probably! Ahaha, It's so cute~.
Hina : Aya-chan, do you want me to take it? You and that crab! How about you do the same pose as that crab!
Aya : Crab-san, Peace. Like this?
Hina : That's good~. Say cheese.
Aya : ...
Aya : ...?
Aya : ...Have you taken it?
Hina : Puu....! Ahahaha! I'm not taking a photo, This is a video recording~!
Aya : Eh!? Geez~! Why didn't you tell me~!
Chisato : Hina-chan never says that she wants to take a photo, you know.
Aya : Even Chisato-chan--!
Hina : Sorry, Sorry! Anyways, can I upload this movie to the SNS?
Aya : Eh!? T- the one just now? But it's embarrassing~!
Maya : Chisato-san, why don't you try putting your feet in the sea? It feels great, you know~!
Eve : Chisato-san, let's do that!
Chisato : Then...
Chisato : It's true. It feels really great.
Maya : It will feel better if you enter the sea.
Eve : Chisato-san, is this your first time going to the sea?
Chisato : Yeah... Well, I have visited it many times already for some job. But this is probably the first time I visit it for vacation.
Maya : Are you still worried that coming here will affect your work?
Chisato : There's that, but...
Hina : Chisato-chan, look! I found a sea slug--!
Aya : Hina-chan, how can you touch that....W, waaaa! Don't come here~!
Chisato : H- Hina-chan... Don't bring it here either.
Hina : Ehh---, But, I want to show it to you. Here~
Aya : S- Stop~!!
Chisato : H- Hina-chan, return that to the sea immediately.
Hina : You don't like sea slug, Aya-chan, Chisato-chan?
Chisato : I've never seen anyone who likes that.
Maya : I didn't like it too... It's scary.
Eve : In Finland, we called it [Merimakkara]. It's interesting how different it sounds from here.
Hina : Merimakkara! Ahaha, It becomes cuter when you called it Merimakkara, right?
Chisato : No!
Hina : Tsk--. Then I'll return this Merimakkara to the sea.
Aya : Sigh~...
Chisato : A- as expected, I probably don't like the sea that much...
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