Chapter 4 - The Haiku, is done?

== Yakatabune ==

Kokoro : Is everyone ready? Then, I'm going to show mine first!
Kokoro : [Fluffy~ Fluffy, fluffy / A floating cotton candy / Just like a summer's cloud]!
Kokoro : Before this, I saw a cloud that looks similar to the cotton candy that I eat earlier! It seems really delicious!
Hagumi : Kokoron keeps saying that the cotton candy that she eats earlier is so delicious!
Kaoru : Aaa. You express your feeling really well. What a wonderful Haiku.
Hagumi : Yes! Then, next is Hagumi's turn!
Hagumi : Cough... [ A dinner in the ship / The main dish is / Croquettes!]. How is that!? Did I do it right!?
Kanon : Yes. I think it's wonderful. It just like you, Hagumi-chan.
Misaki : To think you could casually promote your croquettes in the middle of the Haiku. You're a genius.
Hagumi : Really!? Yes, I did it--!
Kokoro : I want to eat a croquette now. Let's buy it on our way back.
Kokoro : Then, next is Kanon's turn.
Kanon : Yes. Ummm... [Having fun / a bursting smile and / Soda water.] what I write...How is that?
Kaoru : That's a good one! It pictures today atmosphere really well!
Kaoru : It's my turn now. Then... [ This me / Wearing a yukata / How fleeting].
Misaki : [As expected / Echoing in this summer night / Kaoru's melody]...
Hagumi : Ahahah! You reply a Haiku with a Haiku, Mii-kun!
Kokoro : Nice one, Misaki!
Kanon : Yes. Even so, I think that everyone writes a wonderful Haiku.
Kanon : The Haiku feels very familiar ... or should I say, it expresses everyone's character really well.
Kokoro : You're right! ...But, It's weird. I feel like it still lacks something.
Kanon : Still lack somethings...?
Kokoro : Yes. But, I don't know what it's lacking.
Kokoro : It just needs a little bit of something to make it perfect. But I don't know what.
Kanon : Something to make it perfect...
All : Hmmm...
Kaoru : ...It seems that it's not something that we can figured out easily.
Kokoro : Yes. What a shame.
Kanon : But, the Haiku that everyone writes is really wonderful, you know. I think you won't have any problems with your homework now...How about we say that it's finished for now?
Misaki : You're right. It's no used to keep on worrying about something that we don't even know.
Hagumi : Then, we have finished writing the Haiku, right--! Yes--! I have done all of my homework--!
Misaki : Hagumi, you only finished writing the Haiku, there are still many more that you need to do.
Hagumi : Ha! Is that so!
Misaki : Even so, we really spend so much time in here. How about we end our trip in this Yakatabune, now?
Kanon : You're right. Even the sky has turned dark now....Ah.
Kokoro : Look, everyone! We could see the Firework from here!
Hagumi : You're right! Our goal coming here is not only to write a Haiku...but to watch the Firework too!
Kaoru : We're too caught up on writing the Haiku, we forgot about the Firework.
Misaki : We keep on forgetting so many things today.
Kanon : Fufu. You're right.
Kokoro : To think we could see a Firework from a boat like this! It's big and sparkly... It's so pretty.
Kanon : Yes, It's pretty.
Hagumi : We're the only one who rides this boat, so it feels really special to be able to do this.
Kokoro : A VIP seat for us!
Kokoro : Yeayy! Ta~maya~!
Hagumi : Yeayy! Ta~maya~!!!!! 
(Tn notes :  Tamaya refer to historical fireworks house during the Edo period. Onlookers would cheer the name of the house as they shot firework into the sky.]


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