Chapter 2 - The current condition

== First day of the trip - Night ==
== Summer resort - Villa =

Rimi : Sighh~...My body is aching~.
Saaya : Me too~... All of my muscle hurts~.
Eve : But, it feels really satisfying, right. The trekking was really fun! The scenery is very pretty and the breeze feels really nice.
Tomoe : You're right. Nothing feels better than feeling the wind while riding a horse.
Kaoru : Fufu. I'm glad that everyone has fun.
Rimi : Yes. Also, I'm really happy I could get along with the horses in the end.
Tomoe : Me too. I think My heart and Silver's heart have become one!
Kaoru : Yes. I'm also happy that the horses could become a friend with you all, little kitten.
Eve : Kaoru-san, you understand the horses feeling really well.
Kaoru : Of course. It's because they have a pure heart. If you look at their eyes, then you can tell that they're very honest.
Eve : Their eyes look very beautiful and cute. Next time I want to talk to them while looking at their eyes.
Kaoru : Anyways, good work for today everyone. Now, let's go inside and have a rest.

== Villa - Living Room ==

Rimi : That's right. I probably should send the photo that I took today to Onee-chan~.
Saaya : How is Yuuri-senpai doing right now? Right now, She's in overseas, right.
Rimi : Yes, she sends me an email every day. She said that she was having a great time there.
Saaya : I see, I'm glad... Ah, A message from Kasumi. 'How is the trip?' she said.
Rimi : Let's send the photo to Kasumi-chan. Ah, Otae-chan and Arisa-chan too!
Saaya : That's a good idea! I can't wait to meet them again at the practice after we get back from here.
Eve : Even though it's summer break now, Popipa still has to practice?
Saaya : Yes. We have so much time when summer break starts, so we start practicing more often.
Rimi : After we enter our 2nd year, everyone becomes busier. Even Arisa-chan has entered the student council now.
Tomoe : It seems that we're not that different. In Afterglow case, Tsugu has become the Vice-student council president and have become quite busy.
Tomoe : But in exchange, the five of us are in the same class this year, so we can meet more often.
Saaya : What about Hello Happy? Kaoru-san.
Kaoru : Hmmm... Not much has changed, I think. It's just like always... Ah no, The things that we do have become more fun lately.
Tomoe : Haha. That's just like Hello Happy.
Kaoru : Thank you for your word of praise... Come to think of it, nobody from Roselia came on this trip.
Tomoe : I have invited Ako to come, but she can't go because she needs to practice with Roselia today. She has become busier after the summer break started.
Kaoru : It's because they aim for the top. Right now, at this very moment, they are probably in the middle of doing their best to grab their dream...How fleeting...
Saaya : They work so hard for [FUTURE WORLD FES.].
Rimi : What about Pasupare?
Eve : We're also working hard right now! In our school life, in our band activity, and in our job as an Idol, we always do our best!
Saaya : Pasupare is so popular after all. Even for you to come to this trip is also very difficult, right?
Eve : It's a pure coincidence that I have a day-off right now! Even though it's a summer break, we still need to attend so many lessons and do so many jobs.
Eve : That's why, after I heard about this place from Kaoru-san, I decided to go.
Kaoru : Is it because this place looks like Mokki?
Eve : Yes! After I heard about this place, I know that I must visit this place.
Kaoru : Then, how is it? Did you like this Japanese Mokki?
Eve : Of course!
Saaya : That's good Eve. Anyways, since this is your long-awaited day-off. You should enjoy it to the fullest!
Eve : Yes!
Rimi : Agreed! Then, what should we do tomorrow?
Tomoe : There are still so many places that we haven't go to yet, right? Seta-senpai, do you have any recommendation?
Kaoru : I have many! For example...
Eve : I... Hmmm~...Is there anything I wanna do...


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