Chapter 5 - Everything progressing smoothly!

== CiRCLE - Stage ==

Kasumi : I'm getting hyped up now...!! Let's make this Live, the best Live, everyone!!
Misaki : Then, Let's talk the detail later in the chat. So, shall we end it for today?
Yukina : I have a proposal.
Kasumi : Proposal?
Yukina : Before we do the 2nd Live, how about we do a Mini-Live?
Misaki : We did that last time too, right? You want to do that again?
Yukina : Yes. Let's show everyone our skill before the real event start.
Lisa : Ah, To avoid misunderstanding, Yukina does not mean to call us unskilled, okay...
Ran : Lisa-san, we understand that much.
Lisa : Ahaha, I see...That's good.
Tae : I think showing everyone how much we have grown is a good idea. Also, it could help us know if our performance lack something
Yukina : That's right. If we want to do it, then we need to do it better than last time.
Tae : Also, I'll be very happy if we could find a band who want to join us when they see this Mini-Live.
Kasumi : Yes, you're right! Then, everyone has agreed to do the Mini-Live, right?
Ran : Yes, I don't mind.
Kokoro : We agreed!! I hope we could find so many fun things!
Aya : We're also the agreed! I'll talk to the staff about this later.
Kasumi : Waaa--yyy!! Thank you very much!!
Sayo : Then, let me handle the arrangement and planning before the real event start.
Sayo : I hope that each band chooses 1 person for me to contact.
Kasumi : I'll leave it to you, Arisa!!
Arisa : Haaa!? ...Can't be helped.
Marina : I'm happy by everyone positive response~! Thank you!
Marina : We could definitely make a Live that could encourage everyone who wants to start doing band.
Marina : I also need to do my best to support you all....!

== Few days later ==
== Ichigaya's house - Warehouse ==

Saaya : Yosh. Then let's end today practice here. I bought some bread, so let's eat it together.
Rimi : That's great--! Saaya-chan, Thank you.
Arisa : Before that, we need to clean this up first.
Rimi : Okay--!
Arisa : ... Don't you feel scary by how smooth it's progressing?
Kasumi : What are you talking about?
Arisa : I'm talking about the Mini-Live! From the date of the Live to our event schedule, everything have all been decided, right.
Arisa : Even Pasupare say that they got their permission to perform in the Live easier than last time.
Arisa : I just feel's progressing more smoothly than last time.
Saaya : Ahahah. You're probably right. We even have an argument last time, right.
Arisa : At first, we don't even know who will appear at the Live. So we need to accompany Kasumi to scout for bands who want to appear.
Kasumi : Ehehe--. Thank you for that time, Arisa! But I think, it's because we do our best scouting at that time, this time everything could go so well!
Arisa : Well...You're probably right.
Rimi : I'm really looking forward to the Live. I also hope we could find other bands that want to appear at the 2nd Girls band party.
Tae : Yes, There's definitely a band who want to that I think.
Saaya : For that sake, let's make the Mini-Live a success!
Kasumi : Don't worry! It's definitely going to be a success! I mean right now, the 5 bands who will participate have become closer more than before!
Kasumi : Yooosssshhhhh!!! Let's do our best everyone!! Arisa, can we practice for a little bit after this?
Arisa : ...I know that you will say that. I'll tell my grandma first.
Saaya : Fufu! I'm excited.
Tae : Yes! It's getting exciting! Rimi, Here, Charge your battery by eating this Choco cornet.
Rimi : Fufu, Thank you, Otae-chan.


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