Chapter 2 - Where is the earring?

== Udagawa's household - Tomoe's room ==

Himari : Sorry for intruding--!
Himari : ...Hm? What, the room is cleaner than I expected?
Tomoe : Aaaa, That's because I tidy it up the day before yesterday.
Himari : I thought that you can't find your earring because the room is a mess.
Tomoe : Rather than that, I think I lost it when I tidying my room---...
Himari : What do you mean?
Tomoe : I probably put it somewhere when I clean this room, then I forget where I put it.
Himari : Ahh--, So that's what you mean...
Himari : Eh? That's mean, we need to search every nook and cranny of this room?
Tomoe : I don't want to say it...But yes.
Himari : D- don't worry! If we search it together, then we will definitely... find it immediately!
Himari : Then, I'm going to search it on that shelf!
Tomoe : Aaaa, Sorry for making you do this. I'll give you something later as a thanks!
Himari : Ahahaha. You don't need to do that. Ummm, Then first I need to look the inside the shelf.
Himari : Funfun. So you put your photo album here. Ah, Isn't this a photo of when we go to Inoshima.
Himari : Waaa, How nostalgic~. I want to go to Inoshima with everyone again.
Tomoe : Ooohh, That's a good idea. Summer holiday is just around the corner, let's check everyone schedule later.
Himari : Ah, This photo album. This is when we graduated from middle school, right, and this is...Ah!
Tomoe : Eh, Did you find it?
Himari : No. But I found something more nostalgic than Inoshima. This is our Childhood photo album, right?
Tomoe : Ahh--, So you mean that.
Himari : Look, look, This is the photo of our Christmas party! Look at Moca, she's looking at the wrong direction in this photo
Tomoe : Ah, You're right. I don't notice it at all. What do you think Moca see at that time?
Himari : Hmmm, Moca probably more interested in looking at the bread on top of the table, rather than looking at the camera...
Tomoe : Not probably, she's definitely looking at that bread...
Himari : Moca really loves bread since she was a child.
Himari : Ah, Look! Is this the photo of our art festival in elementary middle school?
Tomoe : Art festival...? Ah, the one where I and Himari get to act as the bad guy, huh.
Himari : That's right. We became a villain at that time.
Tomoe : Haha, Everyone branded us as the bad guy after that~...
Tomoe : .....Wait! This is not the time for this!
Himari : Aaah! You're right! I'm sorry, I just get nostalgic all of sudden~!
Himari : I'm going to search for it properly! Let's do our best!
Himari : ...Fuuu. I have searched the shelves, but it doesn't seem to be here.
Tomoe : Then, it's probably inside the closet...
Himari : Closet...!
Tomoe : Ah, But I'll be the one who gonna search it. Because my closet is...
Himari : Eh, Waa, Waaaaa! Gyaaahh!?
Tomoe : My closet is so messy, so you need to be careful when opening it, is what I'm about to say, but it seems I was too late...
Himari : Waaa~, I'm sorry! I'm going to clean it all~!
Tomoe : ...Yosh, with this we have searched every nook and cranny of this room
Himari : Yeah, I'm sorry for making a mess.
Tomoe : Don't worry about the closet. But in the end, We couldn't find it anywhere.
Himari : Hmmm, Where could it be...?


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