Chapter 3 - Perhaps...?

== The next day ==
== CiRCLE Cafetaria ==

Tomoe : Sorry for asking you to accompany me.
Himari : Don't worry, I don't have any plan today. Then, where are we gonna search it today?
Tomoe : Hmmm, I don't really have any idea either. If I couldn't find it in my house, then I probably left the earring somewhere.
Himari : Ah, When is the last time you wear that earring?
Tomoe : Eh...? Ummm, last Sunday? After that, I haven't worn it again.
Himari : Sunday... The day of our Live event in CiRCLE?
Tomoe : Yes...AH! Come to think of it, I remember I take the earring off at that time!
Himari : Ah, Did you take it off when you're changing into your costume! Could it be, at that time...!
Tomoe : Uwaa, It probably likes that! I'm glad that we decided to meet up in CiRCLE!
Himari : Ahahaha, Right! Let ask Marina-san!
Himari : I hope we could find that earring. Even so, I never know you like that earring that much.
Tomoe : Well, It's the first earring that I bought myself. Also...
Tomoe : Do you remember the time we go shopping together with everyone when we just enter high school?
Himari : That time when we go to the shopping mall together?
Tomoe : There's a general store that sells the kind of accessories that I like.
Tomoe : Then everyone chooses an accessories for me and see what accessories suit me the most
Himari :...Ah, I remember! Then, the thing that I choose is the one that suits Tomoe the most, right?
Tomoe : Yes, It's that earring. That's why I must find it.
Himari : I see... Uuu, I forgot about that~...
Himari : Of course you'd be sad if you lost that earring...
Tomoe : Oy oy, Don't be depressed like that, Himari.
Himari : But, I don't know it's that important.
Himari : Okay, then we must definitely find it!
Moca : Hmmm--? Hiichan?
Ran : Tomoe too?
Himari : Ah, Ran and Moca.
Ran : What are you doing here?
Tomoe : Aaaa, About that--...
Ran : You lose that earring...!
Moca : Tomo-chin, are you okay~?
Tomoe : I'm okay... is what I want to say. But to be honest, I'm quite troubled...
Himari : D- Don't worry! We could definitely find it here!
Ran - Moca : ...
Ran : I'll help you search it then.
Moca : Me too~.
Tomoe : Eh? You have another thing to do, right?
Ran : We are only planning to go shopping, we could do that another day.
Moca : Yes yes, You'll definitely need my keen intellect at a time like this~.
Himari : Ran, Moca... Uuu, I can feel our friendship!
Tomoe : Thank you, both of you...
Himari : Yoossshhh, Let's find that earring, everyone--! Ey, Ey, Oooh--!
Ran - Moca - Tomoe : ...
Himari : Wait a minute! Why didn't you all yell it with me~!? Just now is the perfect moment to yell it together, right~!
Moca : Don't worry Hiichan. I have yelled it in my heart.
Ran : Me too.
Himari : Say it out loud!

== CiRCLE - Dressing room ==

Himari : Uuuu, They're not here... I couldn't find it anywhere~... Moca, what about you~?
Moca : I have a bad news, do you still want to hear it?
Himari : N- No, You don't need to say it. What about Tomoe~?
Tomoe : Sigh... I couldn't find it either~...
Ran : Marina-san have checked the lost and found corner, but she doesn't find any earring.
Tomoe : I see.... Arghh~, Where could it be~!
Himari : C- Cheer up, Tomoe! If we don't find it here, then the earring is definitely..!
Tomoe : Do you know where it is!?
Himari : Ummm... Wait. Let me think for a bit, I still haven't think of anything.
Moca : Hiichan, say that after you think of something--.
Ran : ...By the way. That day, the dressing room is really messy, right?
Himari : Well, because there are more bands than usual. So, the dressing room is more crowded than usual.
Ran : That's why, after our performance is over, we immediately change our costume and then get out from here. At the time we change our costume, you didn't put your earring on, right?
Himari - Tomoe - Moca : !!
Moca : Tomo-chin, Do you remember it?
Tomoe : Yes! I remember it now! Just as Ran said, I didn't put wear my earring at that time, I only change my costume!
Himari : Then, where did you put your earring...?
Tomoe : I put it in a pocket case.
Ran : Then, did you drop that pocket case somewhere?
Himari : T- that is...
Tomoe : Are you serious...


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