Ending - Unchanging memories

== Ichigaya's household - Warehouse ==

Kasumi : Waa!! Look!! It's our turn!!
Rimi : Uwaa~, We look so nervous~.
Tae : The costume that we use at that time has become a treasure now.
Saaya : Come to think of it, My father and mother also Jun and Sana come to watch this live.
Arisa : My grandma also comes.
Kasumi : Ah, The Live is starting!! Everyone, Together----!! 1,2!!
All : We're Poppin'Party!
Kasumi : Haaa~~~~, It's so awesome...
Rimi : Yes...! I never imagine we could watch this Live again!
Saaya : Arisa, Otae...Thank you. We're planning to surprise you at first, but it seems that we're the one that gets surprised...
Arisa : Well, It's all because of Otae, you know?
Tae : But, the one who is planning all of this is Arisa, right?
Kasumi : We're really happy!! Of course, we're happy!! We could see the Kira-Kira Doki-Doki of that Live once more!
Kasumi : Also I remember this when watching that Live. But the yell that we always shout before a Live was first created at that Live, right!?
Saaya : Right! Otae suddenly shout that when we're on the stage! Fufufu.
Tae : Popipa! Pipopa! Popipapapipopa!!
Arisa : How can you shout something like that in that tense situation?
Rimi : But that shout also makes us relax a bit, right.
Kasumi : Ah, Also! Even though we work so hard at that time, but if I look at it now, as expected our performance at that time is still not up to par, right!!
Rimi : Right~! We do so many misses at that time!
Saaya : Fufufu. But if we could notice that, then that's mean we have grown so much in this one year, don't you think?
Arisa : Well, of course right? We never slack off on our practice after all.
Tae : Different from my home economic's assignment, we always practice every day. That's why we could grow together.
Kasumi : Haaa~, I just watch something amazing~. But, It's a bit vexing. Because the surprise that I have prepared is losing to this~...
Arisa : Hahahaha. Well, this is not about winning or losing, you know? This Wristband is also awesome.
Saaya : What can I say... I could feel that you undermine us a bit because you win.
Arisa : I- Is that so? Then, it's about time we end----
Tae : Hmm? Wait a minute. There's still more.
Arisa : Hmm? It's true... What is this?
Rimi : Eh? You don't know about this Arisa-chan?
Arisa : Not at all---...Hmm? This, This is SPACE's dressing room..right?
Saaya : This...Is that thing right? The situation on the dressing room after the Live is over!
Saaya : But I didn't see anyone brought a camera to the dressing room after the Live is over though.
Kasumi : Ah! There's is! I remember someone asking about my impression of the Live after the Live is over!?
Rimi : Now that you said it, that's probably true... But I don't remember much.
Arisa : Ah, Isn't that Kasumi!? Did you remember what you said at that time!?
Kasumi : I don't remember anything!!
Tae : Everyone, let's watch Kasumi from one-year ago!
Kasumi : Eh!? My impression of the Live!!? Well, It's reallllyyy-------FUN!!
Kasumi : I could perform in this awesome Live with my awesome friend in this awesome Live house! Owner--!! Thank you very much~~!!
Kasumi : I will never forget about this day! This is an important day for us!
Kasumi : The five of us is Popipa!! I'm really glad that----Popipa exist!!
Kasumi : I say something like that!? I don't remember it at all~~.
Arisa : Otae also said the same thing yesterday... It seems that our thinking is really is the same...
Kasumi : Eh? What?
Arisa : N- never mind? Don't mind it.
Saaya : Fufufu. Even though both of us have prepared a surprise for each other. It seems that we get surprised by the last recording.
Tae : Hey? Kasumi from one-year ago said that the day of our Live is our important day too... So shall we do a party on that day?
Arisa : Nonono! Isn's that too much!?
Kasumi : Eh---!? Let's do it!
Tae : Yes! I want to do it too!
Arisa : You just do a party with me yesterday!
Rimi : Eh? Yesterday?
Kasumi : What is that!? Why you don't tell me anything about that!!
Tae : Yesterday, me and arisa, celebrate [The anniversary of the day we have sleepover in my house].
Arisa : Wa, wait, Otae!!
Saaya : I-is that so... That's a surprise...
Arisa : Well, there's a reason for that...
Kasumi : Ehhhh~~~~!? That's unfair~~~!! Arisa~, Otae~!! Why didn't you tell us about that~~!!

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