Chapter 5 - Double surprise

== The day of the party ==
== Ichigaya's household - Warehouse ==

Kasumi : Has everyone grab their drink? Then, for passing the audition one-year ago--!! Cheers--!!
All : Cheers--!
Arisa : There are more foods than usual today? There's even a pizza...
Tae : Ah, This! I love this.
Saaya : Kasumi and Rimirin are the ones who pick the toppings, they pick the one that Otae like.
Rimi : Fufufu, Kasumi-chan, It seem that Otae-chan likes the topping that we choose.
Kasumi : That's great--! That pizza is from my mom! It's one of our surprises!
Saaya : Ka- Kasumi!?
Arisa : Eh? What did you say just now?
Rimi : Hey, Arisa-chan! Lo-Look over here! This is the cake that Himari-chan recommend!
Arisa : Hee~, You even bought a cake. When did you all prepare this?
Rimi : Do you remember when you and Otae-chan come late before this? We prepared all of this while waiting for you.
Arisa : Hee~, Is that so~. I don't know about that at all.
Tae : Ah, At that time, me and Arisa also---
Arisa : Otae~!! Don't say anything!! Keep quiet about it!!
Saaya : Well--, Anyways!! Let's have fun today!
Kasumi : Right! Yosshh,, Let's have fun!

== 30 minutes later ==

Kasumi : Ahahaha! At that time, Yuri-senpai also come to cheer for us, right!
Tae : Everyone from Guriguri come to see us.
Rimi : Later that day,  I heard from Onee-chan that they're also very nervous.
Arisa : Well everyone except Hisako-senpai, right? I can't imagine her being nervous. Her personality is like that after all.
Saaya : Fufufu, Certainly! How nostalgic~. Anyway, Kasumi? It's about time we show them 'That', don't you think?
Rimi : Yes, That's right. Please show the 'that' Kasumi-chan.
Kasumi : That's true! Then~~, now!!
Arisa : ...Hm?? What is it Kasumi? Why did you suddenly stand mup...?
Kasumi : Fu Fu Fu~~~...To tell you the truth!!
Kasumi : For this anniversary day! Me, Saaya and Rimirin~, Have prepared this!!
Tae : ...Eh? What is inside that bag?
Rimi : Can you please open it?
Arisa : Umm, This is... a Wristband...? Ha? What is this?
Saaya : Fufufu. Look, we're also wearing the same wristband.
Kasumi : It's a matching accessory for everyone~!!
Rimi : We want to surprise Otae-chan and Arisa-chan so we make this.
Arisa : Don't tell me, this is... a surprise?
Kasumi : Yep!! How is it!! Are you surprised!? This is our important day, so the three of us want to make it a little bit more special, right?
Saaya : This wristband is looked the same as the one worn by Guriguri. So I want you to remember this day every time you wear this wristband.
Tae : This is really good!! I want everyone to wear this when we perform on stage!! Right, Arisa!?
Arisa : You all... To think you all prepare this surprise for us...
Tae : Fufufu. It seems that we're all thinking exactly the same things. To think Kasumi and the other prepare a surprise too.
Kasumi : Fufu~~~n, How is it? You're all surprised, right~? We did it, Saaya, Rimirin! The surprise is a success!!
Saaya : Eh...? Wait a minute? Otae, What did you said just now, 'prepare a surprise [too]'? you mean by that?
Tae : To tell you the truth, we also prepare something too.
Kasumi : Eh!? Is that so!? What is it!?
Tae : Then, everyone. Please pay a close attention to your front--!
Saaya : In front of only a wall though...EHH!? There's a movie being projected there.
Rimi : This is...
Kasumi : SPACE's...Last Live!?
Saaya : Y- you have the recording!?
Arisa : It's from Otae's senpai when she's working on SPACE, it seems that she asked the owner for permission to record the Last Live.
Saaya : Usually it's prohibited to take any kind of recording. But because this is the Last Live, the owner gives her permission to record it.
Kasumi : A-awesome... Otae, Arisa... Both of you prepared all of this!?
Arisa : W- well, I mean... Today is a special day after all.
Kasumi : Arisa!! Otae!! Thank you very much-----!!
Tae : Fufufu. It seems that our surprise is a success too, right? I'm glad that everyone is happy, right, Arisa!
Arisa : A- anyways, It's about to start soon! Let's watch it!


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