Ending - Ey, Ey, Oohh!

== Riverside road ==

Ran : Ah, There they are. Himari, Tomoe--.
Tsugumi : I'm glad that you found the earring!
Moca : Where did you find it.~...Eh.
Himari : Ah, Everyone...
Ran - Moca - Tsugu : Eh, She's crying...!!
Ran : Wait. Why are you crying?
Tomoe : Well, many things happened...
Moca : ...So that kind of things happen.
Ran : You don't need to get depressed just because you can't become like Lisa-san, you know.
Tsugumi : Not many people can do the things that she did after all.
Tomoe : That's right. That's why it's surprising to hear that Himari want to become like Lisa-san.
Moca : Do you understand Hiichan? Wheat can't become bread in an instant, you know? You need to raise it properly first.
Himari : Yes, you mean I don't need to rush, right ...
Himari : If I want to become a cool senpai like her then I need to work harder. I have gained more confidence after hearing Tomoe's word.
Himari : Even if I'm like this, I can still help someone.
Tsugumi : There's a time that makes me feels glad having Himari-chan by my side, you know?
Himari : R, really?
Tsugumi : You always help me when I'm busy with my student council work, right, Himari-chan?
Tsugumi : Just by having someone to talk with could make me become more energetic again, it makes me want to work harder.
Himari : Did you really mean it?
Tsugumi : It's true. I'm feeling relieved every time I see Himari-chan visit me.
Himari : Tsugu~~~.
Moca : Me too, There's a time that makes me feels glad having Hiichan by my side~.
Himari : M- moca too!?
Moca : When something bad happens, Hiichan is always the one who is panicking the most,  I could calm myself down because of that, that really helped me a lot.
Himari : Wait~! Is that a praise~!?
Ran : ... Well, Himari always does her best for us since in the past.
Himari : Eh? Is that so?
Ran : You don't remember? When we're in elementary school, there is an art festival, right?
Himari : The one where I get the roles of a rabbit?
Ran : No, the one after that...? The one where you and Tomoe get the roles of a villain.
Himari : Aaaa, You mean that! I just talk about that yesterday~.
Tsugumi : That time, Himari-chan is supposed to be the princess at first, right.
Himari : Eh...?
Ran : That's right. When we're deciding on the roles, nobody wants to become the villain.
Tomoe : So we decided it using Rock-Paper-Scissor, and then I lose. I'm really depressed at that time~.
Moca : After that, Hiichan said that you want to become the Villain too~.
Himari : ...Ah! That's right...! I remember now!
Tomoe : You're really a good person. Because of that, I could have fun acting as the villain.
Tsugumi : You're really cool at that time, Himari-chan.
Ran :  And that hasn't changed even now.
Himari : ...
Tomoe : Look, It's just as I said, right. Everyone already understands this.
Himari : Yeah, you're right...
Himari : I never thought of myself as someone like that ...
Himari : Even though I can't become like Lisa-senpai, I still want to help everyone, that's what matters...
Himari : Ah, but it doesn't mean I give up on becoming like Lisa-senpai!?
Himari : I'll still do my best while having confidence in myself!
Ran : Yeah, That's good.
Ran : Even though it's impossible, you still need to show your effort.
Himari : Geez~! Why did you always say something like that!
Tsugumi : Fufu, I'm cheering for you, Himari-chan.
Himari : Ehehe, Thanks.
Himari : Yosshhh, Then I'll do my best to become more cooler than now~!
Moca : Oh, Hiichan is going to do 'that'.
Himari : Eh, By 'that', you mean 'That', right? What? Do you want to do 'that' together~?
Ran : Eh, 'That'...?
Tomoe : Hahaha, You really like doing 'that' Himari--.
Himari : Don't say that! If you're really supporting me, then how about we do it properly this time~?
Himari : 1,2! Ey, Ey!
Himari - Ran - Tomoe : Ooohh!!
Tsugu : O- Oh--.
Moca : Oh--.
Himari : ... We're out of sync!
Tomoe : Well, It's because we never do it, hahaha...
Himari : But...Awesome! This is the first time we did it~!!
Himari : How about we do it once more! We're gonna do it properly this time! Just once more!
Moca : I'm sorry Hiichan, But I'm hungry right now.
Tsugu : Now that you said it, I'm hungry too.
Ran : Then, let's eat something?
Tomoe : Then, how about Ramen. I know a place that sells a delicious Ramen nearby.
Moca : Oh, Good Idea~ Let's go~ Moca-chan want to eat a large bowl of ramen.
Himari : Wa- Wait a minute! Let's do it one more time~~~!!

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