Ending - Riding on hope
== CiRCLE Lobby ==
Marina : Okay, We're done. Thank you for helping me clean this up.
Maya : Don't mind it, We're the one who suggests doing this Live in the first place, so this is our job too.
Yukina : The reason we're doing this Live is not only for Marina-san, but we're also doing it because we want too.
Marina : Y- yes. I understand that... But please let me express my gratitude one more time.
Matina : Thank you very much for today. Even though it's only a short Live, it makes me remember a lot thing from the past.
Marina : All the fun thing, all the sad things too. I really miss that time.
Marina : Music is really is awesome... Fufu, I'm going to do my best at work tomorrow!
Tsugumi : ...
Kasumi : Hm? Tsugu? Something the matter?
Tsugumi : T- that... Can I also say something...?
Tsugumi : I'm really happy that I could participate in today Live... It's a shame we must end it here.
Tsugumi : I learn a lot of thing from...Hearing Yukina-senpai, Maya-senpai, Kasumi-chan, and Rimi-chan's music!
Tsugumi : I want to learn more about music because of this Live! Thank you very much!!
Maya : I have the same feeling as you too, Hazawa-san. To be honest, I still have some lingering in my heart after Minato-san scolded me after we perform together for the first time.
Maya : That's why... How about we do a session like this again sometime?
Tsugumi : ...Eh? I- I want to do it!!
Rimi : Me too!
Kasumi : That's a good idea! Let's do it!! Ah, Then, If Marina-san has time, how about you participate with us too!
Marina : Eh, Me? Well... I'll consider it.
Yukina : What about you, Minato-san?
Yukina : Fufufu. That's not a bad idea. I have discovered so many things after doing this, So doing something like this again once in a while isn't a bad idea.
Tsugumi : You discover something, Yukina-senpai? What is that? Can you tell me!!
Yukina : Well I don't mind to tell you, but---
Yukina : Hm? That group of people over there, could it be...
Maya : What is it?
Yukina : Nothing. Then, it's about time we go home, right?... Marina-san, you have some visitor.
Marina : Eh? Me?
??? : Hey, Marina. Long-time no see.
Marina : ...Eh? Everyone... W- why!?
== CiRCLE Cafetaria ==
Maya : That people are the members of Marina-san band in the past, right
Kasumi : When I come to pick my luggage, they seem to have a heated conversation in the dressing room! Right, Rimirin!
Rimi : It seems they found about this Live from the internet.
Rimi : Even though the band is already disbanded, it seems that they know that Marina-san is working in this CiRCLE.
Tsugumi : Is that so... But, I'm really glad they come to this Live.
Kasumi : Ah! Marina-san probably want to start doing a band again after this!
Maya : Fuhehe, I don't know about that, but a lost bond has just been recovered by music, it's a wonderful thing.
Yukina : Then, It's about time I go home.
Maya : Ah! How about we do some evaluation meeting after this!?
Yukina : Evaluation meeting...?
Maya : I want to hear Minato-san opinion on today's Live.
Kasumi : I want to do an evaluation meeting too!! Yukina-senpai, what do you think of my guitar performance!?
Rimi : Me too, what about my bass performance! Did you find anything wrong with it!? Please tell me without holding anything back.
Tsugumi : Ah, then how about this? Let's go to my shop after this and do the evaluation meeting over there.
Maya : Ooo!! That's a good idea!! I agreed!
Maya : Please come with us too, Minato-san! There are still many things that I want to talk about today Live!?
Yukina : ...
Yukina : Can't be helped...
Yukina : Then I won't hold back.
Kasumi - Rimi - Tsugumi : Yes!!
Yukina : First, the guitar. Your Intro is a bit late. If you don't fix that, the audience's feeling will---
Maya : T- this is going to be a long night... Fuhehe...
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