Chapter 4 - A rare lemon cheescake
Tomoe : Sigh~~~~~~~~~~~~.
Himari : A- are you okay, Tomoe~? Your sigh is echoing to the end of the world, you know?
Tomoe : Why did I put the earring in the pocket case at that time---...
Tomoe : Even though I know that it's dangerous to put it in there, Hahaha...
Himari : Are you so desperate to the point you become weird ...!
Himari : I- It's going to be okay!
Himari : Right now, Ran and Moca are searching at the place that we visited after we finished our Live! Surely...We will find it!
Tomoe :...Somehow, I feel bad for involving everyone in this...
Himari : Geez~! Don't say that! When our friend in trouble, of course, we're gonna help too!
Himari : I mean, If I'm the one who's feeling down or being troubled by something, Tomoe will do the same, right?
Tomoe : Well, of course, but...
Himari : Hmmm...Okay! Let's take a break!
Tomoe : Eh?
Himari : We have search it for so long. We need a break! It's meaningless if we search when we're tired!
Himari : So let's go!
Tomoe : I - I understand, so stop pulling my hand~!
== Hazawa's coffee shop ==
Himari : We need to eat something sweet when we're tired!
Himari : This Summer-only rare lemon cheesecake is truly delicious~, You must try it!
Tomoe : Heeee, I don't know that they sell something like this.
Himari : Fufun, I know everything about this place menu. Because I'm the one who helps them created the menu in the first place.
Tomoe : You will be teased by Moca again if you eat that much, You know~?
Himari : Ugh, Please don't tell Moca about this...!
Himari : Anyways, I recommend this cheesecake! If you eat this, then you will definitely feel better!
Tomoe : Haha, If you recommend it that much, then I'll try it.
Tsugumi : Himari-chan, Tomoe-chan, have you decided on the order?
Himari : Yes, I want the usual! Two of them!
Tsugumi : Ummm... By the usual you mean rare lemon cheesecake, right?
Himari : Of course! The richness of cheese combined with the freshness of lemon is the best!
Tsugumi : T- Thank you. But there's only one portion left, right now...
Himari : Eh!?
Tsugumi : That cake is so popular, so it's always sold out immediately... Sorry.
Himari : How could that be~ Even though I'm looking forward to eating it~.
Tomoe : You don't need to mind me, you can have it Himari.
Himari : That can't do! I have eaten it so many times already, so you can have it Tomoe!
Tomoe : No, No. You want it right, Himari. You can have it.
Himari : D- don't mind about me. You can have it Tomoe.
Tsugumi : How about you divided it into two?
Himari : Divided it... Hmmm--, Well if there's only one portion left, then it can't be helped---.
Tomoe : For the drink, I want black tea. What about you, Himari?
Himari : I'm the same...
Tsugumi : Then, 1 Rare lemon cheesecake and 2 Black tea, right. I understand.
Tsugumi : Ah, That's right. When my shift is over, I'll help you search the earring too.
Tomoe : Eh, You don't need to do that Tsugu...
Tsugumi : Don't worry about it! Then, please wait a minute!
Tomoe : Haaa--, I can't wait to eat the cheesecake.
Himari : ...
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