Opening - A cool senpai

== Lunch break ==
== Haneoka girls' High school - Corridor ==

Himari : Funfunfu~~n.
Moca : Hmm~? You're in a good mood today, Hiichan~.
Himari : Ah, Moca! Listen to this~!
Himari : Earlier, a 1st-year student come to me! She said she watch our Live!
Moca : Ah--, That Live on Sunday?
Himari : 'Himari-senpai, You're really really cool', she says! 'I'm cheering for you', she says!
Moca : I see~, That's why you look so happy~.
Himari : Of course I'm happy~! I mean, usually, they only praise Ran or Tomoe!
Himari : Eheheh, At last, there's someone who knows that I'm cool~!
Moca : Yes, yes, Isn't that good--. Then, we should get going already--.
Moca : If I don't eat lunch soon... I will eat Hiichan...!
Himari : Don't eat me!
Himari : Geez~! Are you listening properly to what I said~!
Moca : I listen to it properly, I also know that you're cool~.
Himari : Really~?
Himari : Well, whatever. Let's go, Ran will get mad if we make her wait for so long...
Himari : Eh? W- what!?
Moca : Geez--, What did you break, Hiichan?
Himari : It's not me~!
Himari : Ah, There... A first-year student just drops a vase...!
Moca : Waa, that's bad~... Ah, Someone is coming.
Himari : Isn't that... Lisa-senpai?
Lisa : Are you okay!? Did you hurt yourself?
First-year student : I- I'm okay. But, the vase is...
Lisa : Ahahah, It broke, isn't it~.
Lisa : Well, don't worry about it. We need to clean this up first.
Lisa : ...Eh, Stop, stop! Don't touch it with your hand. It will be bad if you get injured, right?
First-year student : Ah, I-I'm sorry...!
Lisa : Wait here, I'm going to bring a Broom and dustpan.
Lisa : ... Then, it's done.
First-year student : U-Umm, Thank you very much...!
Lisa : Ahaha, Your welcome.
Lisa : Ah, If you're going to see teachers then let me accompany you. I'm going to help you explain the situation, so don't worry.
Moca : ...As expected of Lisa-san, she solves the problem in no time at all.
Himari : Haaa... Lisa-senpai is so cool, she is so kind and dependable~.
Himari : I really admire her. I want to be a cool senpai just like her.
Moca : Is that so?
Himari : Yes. She always taking care of others and dependable, she is a proper senpai. I'm a 2nd-year student now, so it's about time for my debut as a cool senpai!
Moca : A cool Hiichan... I can't imagine that at all~.
Himari : W-why is that~! Besides, I'm similar to Lisa-senpai!
Moca : Eh...? In what part?
Himari : Umm, We both like something trendy! Also, we both like making a sweet!
Moca : You see, Hiichan... There are probably about 100.000 people who have that similarity.
Moca : Also Moca-chan thinks that Lisa-san has all the part that Hiichan lacks.
Himari : Grrr...! Are you saying that it's impossible for me--?
Moca : It's not like that, what I mean is--, You don't have to become like Lisa-san, you know?
Moca :  Hiichan has something that only Hiichan have~.
Himari : Geez~! You definitely think that' it's impossible for me~!
Himari : If I work hard, then I'll definitely become just like Lisa-senpai!
Himari :  I mean, someone even says that I'm cool earlier. So now that I have entered my 2nd-year, I'll show you a different side of me!
Moca : ... I see, I see. Well, I'll be rooting for you, Hiichan--. Then, we should get going already--.
Himari : Wa- wait~! Listen to me properly~!

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