Chapter 2 - I want to eat Oshiruko

== Family restaurant ==

Hagumi : Haaa~, The Saikoro steak is delicious. I want to order more for my dinner.
Ran : Eh, You want to eat more?
Tae : Hmm~...
Himari : Otae... what's wrong? Is there something wrong with the dessert menu...
Tae : There are no Oshiruko in this menu (Tn : Oshiruko is sweet red bean soup served with mochi). Even though it would be awesome if I can eat Oshiruko as a dessert.
Himari : Oshiruko?
Eve : You really like Oshiruko, didn't you, Tae-san. Before this, I saw you buying one from the school's vending machine.
Hagumi : There are times when you really crave Oshiruko!! Hagumi know that feeling!
Himari : Well, If you want to eat Oshiruko, then we can make that quite easily, you know?
Tae - Hagumi - Eve : !!!
Tae : Is that true, Himari!?
Himari : Ye-Yeah... Well, it's my original recipe. It's a bit different than how Oshiruko normally is, but it's quite delicious.
Tae : I want to try it! Can you make it for me, Himari!?
Himari : Well, I don't mind... But, you're already full right now, right?
Tae :  Then, tomorrow! Tomorrow, at my house, we'll have a [Oshiruko party].
Hagumi : Agreed--!! Eve-chin and RanRan too---!
Eve : I wonder what kind of Oshiruko will it be? I can't wait to try it...!
Ran :  More than that, Himari... Everyone is really looking forward to it, right now... Is it really okay for you to raise the hurdle like that?
Himari :  It's okay...! Yeah, it's probably okay... I, think~...Eh? It's okay... right?

== Tomorrow - After school ==
== Convinience store ===

Tae : Himari, I found the Daifuku and Shiratama. How many did we need? (Tn : Daifuku and Shiratama is something that looks like mochi but different, just google it.)
Himari : It's for 5 person so we need 5 of each! Then next is---
Hagumi : Hii-chan, here is the milk!
Ran : Wait a minute... We're going to make Oshiruko, right? Why do we need milk, Shirotama, and Daifuku...
Himari : I already said it, yesterday, right? It's my original recipe. It's quite difficult to make the real things after all.
Eve : Making Oshiruko with milk, Daifuku, and Shiratama... I can't imagine how it will turn out!
Himari : But, it's a bit plain if we only make Oshiruko~. How about we also make something else too?...Umm~, Then~.
Himari : Ah, Steamed bun! I found something good.
Hagumi : Wa! Could it be, you want to make something out of that with your secret techniques too, Hii-chan!?
Himari : Hmm~, Rather than secret techniques, I'm just going to add a little something to this and improve it.
Hagumi : Eehh~! Improve it!? You're really awesome Hii-chan, to think you could do something like that~!
Himari : Fufufu~ I know a lot about sweets after all! I learn so many things from the internet and magazine~.
Himari : Then, let's pay for this and then go to Otae's house.

== Hanazono's residence - Living room ==

Himari :  Yosh~, Let's make Oshiruko! Then, Let's begin cooking!
Tae - Hagumi - Eve : Ooo--!
Ran : Can we really make Oshiruko with these ingredients? I'm a little worry...
Himari :  Ran~. It's going to be okay~. It's definitely going to turn out delicious, so look forward to it.
Tae : Himari, is there anything we can help?
Himari : You don't need to help me. It's really easy to make after all.
Tae : The, can I cheer for you?
Himari : Eh, Cheer for me!? I'll be happy if you do that!
Tae : Himari-- Do your best---!
Hagumi : Hii-chan, Fight!!
Eve : You can do it Himari-san! Believe in your spirit of Bushido!
Himari : Yossh, I'm getting pumped up now! Then, I'm going to start cooking~~!


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