Chapter 5 - A lot of fun things to do
Tae : My next recommended place is the school zone. The flowers around here are so cute.
Eve : Flower? Hmm~... Is there any flower around here?
Himari : Ah, I see it! It's below that fence!
Hagumi : You're right! It's a small yellow flower!
Ran : That's probably Tsuwabuki. It has shiny leaves and often used for Bonsai. Arisa probably knows about this too?
Eve : Even though I passed here every day, I didn't notice it at all. It's blooming even in winter, what a strong flower.
Tae : It's not a full bloom though...
Tae : But I feel like the flower is telling me that 'I'm here' and it's so cute.
Hagumi : Otae, do you know any other fun things that we can do!? Hagumi wants to know!
Tae : Hmm~, I don't know. But there are probably a lot of fun things that you can do that I haven't noticed.
Himari : Then, how about we search that 'Fun things' right now? The one who finds it gets 1 point!
Ran : Eh, It's become a game?
Eve : Even if it's not a game, doing something like this with everyone seems really fun!
Hagumi : Agreed--!
Tae : Then, let's the game start. Let's go to this place next.
== Alleyway ==
Hagumi : I found one--! Look at that house over there, there's a dog looking at us from the window!
Himari : It's still a puppy, right? So cute~.
Tae : It's probably a newborn? Last time I come here, there's only a big dog at that house over there.
Himari : Ah, Look over there! There's a phone box over there! Phone box have become something rare now, right!
Eve : You're right! I want to take a look inside!
Himari : I have gotten used to seeing, so I don't feel anything special from it~. But if I think about it, it's actually unusual to see it here.
Tae : Hagumi and Himari, 1 point GET,
Hagumi : Yeah--! Hii-chan, High touch! Yeayy~!
Himari : Yeayy~! With this, Me and Eve-chan have already got 1 point, Otae and Himari have already got 2 points! And Ran...
Ran :...Eh? I'm a participant too?
Himari : Of course~! But don't worry! You definitely find something good, Ran!
Ran : I don't really plan to do that... Hm?
Ran : Look... The signboard of that pet shop... isn't it a bit weird?
Tae : Weird...? Why?
Ran : It's a pet shop, but there's a picture of a lion on the signboard. A lion is not something that you can keep, right.
Tae : ....!? Ran, are you a genius?
Hagumi : Awesome, RanRan! To think you could notice something like that!
Tae : Congrats---Ran! With this, Ran too, 1 point GET!
Ran : Seriously, I...
Eve : Everyone! The inside of the phone box is really warm you know!
Hagumi : Ehh~, Is that so! Hagumi wants to try entering it!
Tae : Me too.
Himari : I'm glad that Ran could get a point too~. To think you could notice something like that, as expected of Ran! You're amazing~.
Ran : It's embarrassing, so stop it.
== Park ==
Tae : This is the turning point. After I touch this [Occhan's tree], I return home.
Himari : Eh? Occhan's tree?
Tae : That two branches over there look likes a rabbit ear, and that bump over there looks like its nose.
Himari : Aaa~, Now that you said it... it looks like Occhan a little.
Hagumi : When the winds blow, it looks like the ears are moving! How interesting~.
Eve : So you always do this fun jogging session, Tae-san. There are so many things that you could found while you jog, it's just like searching for a treasure!
Himari : Yes yes! I never now that there are a lot of interesting things around us like this~.
Hagumi : There are definitely a lot more that we haven't find! Let's search for more on our way back !
Ran : So we're still doing this...
Tae : I'm really happy that you like the jogging course that I recommended. But, I think it's better if you create your own jogging course.
Tae : There are a lot of fun things you can do in many other places too. I hope, Himari could find something like that too.
Himari : Creating my own course...huh. Somehow, I become really excited now. I will definitely try doing Jogging again!
Himari : Look at me, everyone! I'll definitely create my own course! I'll become the jogging master! Ey ey---
Tae : Himari, do your best!
Himari : O- Otae, you're supposed to say [Ooo--!]~!
Tae : Ah, Sorry. Oooh--!
Himari : T- The timing is...!
Ran - Hagumi - Eve : Ahahahaha!
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