Chapter 2 - Our practice
== Shirasagi's residence - Living room ==
Kaoru : Hello. Sorry for intruding.
Chisato : Welcome! I received some sweets on the shooting site, how about we eat them together?
Kaoru : Waa, Thank you!
Kaoru : It's so sweet and fluffy~...!
Chisato : Yep, Ir's delicious. Did you know, this dessert is called Dacquoise.
Kaoru : Dakkuwaazu...Dakku...I see! It certainly looks like a duck.
Chisato : Eh...!?
Kaoru : It's called Dakkuwaazu because it looks like a duck, right? Look, it has the shape of a duck's beak!
Chisato : R, really..?
Kaoru : Dakku means duck, right? Then, Waazu probably means... that...
Chisato : That...?
Kaoru : I, in other words... it's like that!
Chisato : Fufu...! What are you talking about?
Kaoru : Am I wrong? Even so, these sweets are so delicious. Where did you get it?
Chisato : My senpai who's an actress gives me this. It's sweet and delicious.
Kaoru : Chii-chan, you're amazing~...! You become a friend with an adult and you know about this sweet!
Chisato : Fufu, This is the first time I heard about Dacquoise too.
Kaoru : ... Is that a script over there? Can I see it?
Chisato : Of course. But, keep it a secret, okay.
Kaoru : Yes! Thank you.
Kaoru : Ummm... [Hey you, what are you doing in here].
Chisato : [I have a name. It's Akane not 'You'].
Kaoru : ! Chii-chan, You remember your line?
Chisato : Yes. Try to read the other lines. I could reply to it with my lines.
Kaoru : [Let's make a deal then?]
Chisato : [Fine with me. But, under one condition. You must give all the people who live here, housing, clothes, food, and freedom.]
Kaoru : You really remember it~...!
Chisato : This is nothing.
Kaoru : You are so amazing. You can remember this difficult line, but still coming to school every day...and have a good grade.
Kaoru : By the way, why do you want to become an actress, Chii-chan?
Chisato : I don't want to 'become' an actress, I 'already' am an actress!
Kaoru : Ah, You're right. I'm sorry.
Chisato : The reason I become an actress is ... well...
Kaoru : ? Could it be, it's something that you can't say? Sorry!
Chisato : No, It's not like that. The reason I become an actress is because [if you have many faces, then you can have an easy life].
Kaoru : Easy life...? I don't understand.
Chisato : Right? Being an actress is hard, you know.
Chisato : That's why, if I could become an actress who could play all kinds of roles, I can have an easy life.
Kaoru : Is that so...
Chisato : Also, being an actress means you can become all kind of person.
Chisato : Cool person, cute person...Kind person, cold person... I can become all kinds of person.
Chisato : I could even become a princess that everyone fawned over or a cool prince. It's wonderful, don't you think?
Kaoru : Becoming all kind of person... Yes, it sounds wonderful!
Chisato : Yes. That's why I become an actress.
Chisato : Ah, Then. How about you become my practice partner? Kao-chan, please read all the lines that aren't mine.
Kaoru : Is it okay? Let's do it...!
Chisato : Then, let's start from the beginning.
Kaoru : [You! Stop screwing around]...
Kaoru : ...
Chisato : What's wrong?
Kaoru : I can't say this kind of thing to Chii-chan~...!
Chisato : Fufu... Ahahah! This is just acting. It's okay.
Kaoru : But...
Chisato : You're really kind, Kao-chan. Then, let's try a different scene.
Kaoru : I, I'm sorry, Chii-chan... Thank you.
Chisato : Don't worry about it. Then, let's try this scene on page 10. How about it---?
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