Chapter 3 - Himari's improv cooking
Eve : Himari-san's Oshiruko is really creamy but it has a light taste. I can't stop eating it.
Hagumi : The red bean paste inside the Daifuku, when you eat it together with milk, it definitely tastes like Oshiruko!
Ran : But, I never imagined that it would be this easy to make. All Himari did was only putting all the ingredients into a bowl and then microwave it.
Tae : Even so, just by doing that, she could make this delicious Oshiruko, You're amazing Himari!
Hagumi : Hagumi want second!
Himari : I'm glad that everyone likes it~.
Tae : Thank you Himari. I'm really happy I get to eat this delicious Oshiruko.
Tae : I want to turn this feeling into a song. I'm going to make Oshiruko's song.
Himari : Oshiruko's I can't imagine what kind of song will it become...
Tae : Look forward to it.
Ran : I have heard it somewhere before... but, Tae's imagination is really something...
Himari : Anyway, Otae. I want to make one more thing. Can I borrow your kitchen again?
Tae : You mention it when we're at the convenience store, right? What do you want to make?
Himari : It's a secret! Look forward to it~.
Himari : Everyone, thank you for waiting~. Look~! I toast this steamed bun~!
Eve : Uwaa~, It's a steamed bun but the outside is toasted and it looks delicious!
Hagumi : Hmm~~, It smells delicious. I want to eat it quickly!!
Himari : Wait a minute. I can't call it my improv cooking if it's only this much, right?
Tae : Eh! Is there something more...?
Hagumi : Hii-chan, you're too amazing...!
Himari : Then~ On top of this freshly toasted steamed bun~...Baam! I put Ice cream as a topping!
Tae : !?
Himari : Look~. The Ice is melting~~
Eve : Wow, It's just like a pancake!
Himari : Yosh, It's done!! Then, let's eat it together?
Tae - Hagumi - Eve : Itadakima--su!!
Tae : This is really awesome, Himari! The outside is crunchy, but the inside is fluffy... it's really addicting.
Hagumi : It's reallyyyyyy delicious~! Hagumi's cheeks feel like they're going to melt!
Eve : Combining the hotness of the bun and the coldness of the ice blissful.
Ran : Maybe next time, I should bring this to my flower arrangement class. It's easy to make and it's not bad.
Himari : Yeahhh---! I get [Not bad] assessment from Ran--
Ran : Even so, you're really knowledgeable about this kind of thing, Himari.
Tae : You're really amazing Himari... Himari is [Improv cooking-sensei].
Himari : From [Making-up - sensei] to [Hamburg steak - sensei] and now [Improv cooking - sensei]... I want a cooler title though...
Tae : Then, if we sum it all it becomes... All-knowing professor?
Himari : ...Eh? It's not a sensei though...
== After meal ==
Hagumi : Thanks for the meal--! Thank you Hii-chan! It's really delicious!
Eve : I'm really surprised, to think you could make this kind of delicious sweet so easily. I learn a lot today!
Tae : Let's gather again sometimes and try making another secret recipe that you have.
Himari : Nice idea Otae! Let's do that!
Himari : I still have so many things up my sleeve. I'll definitely make you all satisfied next time too.
Tae : Then next time, I'll not eat anything the day before, so I could eat all of your cooking.
Himari : Y- You don't need to go that far...
Ran : ...Sigh.
Hagumi : Is there something wrong, RanRan?
Ran : I ate too much. My stomach hurt.
Himari : We eat a lot today~. I'm really full~.
Tae : Then, let's take a walk. Today's weather is really great after all.
Eve : That's a good idea! I agreed!
Himari : Then, let's go after we clean this up!
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