Chapter 4 - Let's take a walk

== In the middle of the walk ==
== Residential area ==

Eve : Nghh~. It's just like what Tae-san said, the weather feels really nice!
Ran : Today is not as cold as usual, so it's perfect.
Himari : Ah, A branched road. Which path should we take?
Hagumi : Hagumi is not familiar with this area, so Hagumi doesn't know.
Himari : Me too~. I wonder where will we ended up if we take this path?
Tae : If we go right and then walked straight ahead, we will end up in front of the station.
Himari : Hee~, Is that so.
Tae : Then, how about we go there.

== In front of the station ==

Hagumi : Ah, Hagumi can see the station now~!
Himari : Hee, So this path connects to the station. I see~.
Tae : I always use this path when I'm jogging.
Eve : Come to think of it, Tae-san, you really like jogging, right.
Tae : Yes, Because I really like running, so I often do it.
Hagumi : Hagumi really like running too--! It feels really great when you're running~!
Himari : Ehh~, Awesome~. Isn't it tiring to jog every day?
Tae : Is that so? Well, I like to do it, so it's doesn't feel like that at all.
Himari : That's why it's awesome! In the past, I actually try to do that too, doing jogging daily, but I stop halfway because it's too tiresome~...
Ran : You only do it for like 3 days, right.
Himari : No, it's more than that~. Also, isn't it boring to just run...
Tae : Then, how about I show you my recommended courses for jogging, right now?
Tae : There are so many interesting things in these courses, so Himari won't get bored when running...
Himari : Really!? To be honest, I want to try doing jogging again! Let's go there together, Ran!
Ran : Well, I don't have anything to do, so It's fine I guess.
Hagumi : Then! Hagumi wants to comes too!
Eve : Tae-san, can I come too?
Tae : Then, let's go there, together.

== Dry riverbed ==

Tae : This is my first recommended spot.
Hagumi : Hagumi know this place! Hagumi come here with Hello Happy last summer to see firework!
Eve : The water sounds really pleasant! This a nice place for jogging!
Ran : There is a promenade nearby. Are there any people who jog over there?
Tae : There are some people that I become acquainted with. Whenever I jog in here, they always wave their hands at me from the promenade.
Himari : Eh... You jog in here? Isn't it hard to jog in here because the road is full of stone?
Tae : That's what makes it interesting!
Himari : What do you mean?
Tae : It's easier if you just try it yourself. Himari, how about you try running in here?
Himari : Okay! Eh, It's okay if I just run like normal, right? Like this...?
Tae : What do you think?
Himari : Hmm~, The road is full of stone, I'll lose my balance if I step on the stone, so I need to watch my step...
Tae : That's why it's fun! Whenever I run over here, I always look out for stone, if I see it, then I'll hooppp~~~ to the left and right to avoid it.
Himari : Yeah, I do that too. I think that's the most natural thing to do when you jog in here.
Tae : There are so many rhythms you could find here, that's why it's fun to jog here!
Hagumi : Ah~, I see~~! Hagumi wants to try it too!!
Himari : So that's what you mean~. I want to try it once more!
Hagumi :  Waa! Look, everyone! The rhythms over here are, hop~~, hop hop hop, hop!
Eve : You're right! In here is, hop hop hop hop~~~! You know!
(Tn notes : I don't understand this part)
Ran : Becareful everyone... It'll be a disaster if either of you falls and get injured.


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