Ending - A little detour
== A road beside the river ==
Himari : I need to buy a coat today~. Pink is great, but cream is more adult-like...
Tae : Ah, Himari.
Himari : Waaa, Otae, Yahoo--. What are you doing?
Tae : I want to buy foods for Occhan and the others. What about you, Himari?
Himari : I'm planning to buy a new coat, so I'm on my way to the shopping mall.
Tae : I see, I heard they're doing a sale over there. Come to think of it, I also heard that the music shop is doing a sale too.
Himari : Really? What a great timing, I'm actually planning to change my bass string~. I definitely can't miss it.
Tae : Ah, That's right. Right now, I'm in the middle of making the Oshiruko's song. It's almost finished, so please wait for a little bit longer.
Himari : Ah, Come to think of it, you said something like that before this. Ahahaha. So you really mean it~.
Tae : I want to turn my feeling at that time into a song.
Tae : The sweetness of the Oshiruko and the taste of the red bean paste, it's really good.
Himari : I can't imagine what kind of song will it be... But, I'm looking forward to hear it!
Himari : Ah,Tthat's right! There's something that I want to show Otae! Umm--...Ah, here it is! Look at this picture!
Tae : This is, the puppy that looking at us from the window before this?
Himari : That's right! I meet her when I'm doing jogging. so I take a photo with her!
Tae : So cute~. Please send me that picture.
Himari : Of course! Ah, And also, don't you think this tree is interesting? It looks like a ballerina, don't you think?
Tae : You're right. Did you find that while doing jogging too?
Himari : Yes! I found so many interesting things that I haven't noticed until now.
Tae : Fufu. I'm glad that Himari starts doing jogging again.
Himari : My goal right now is to run and create my own course.
Himari : But, I found a lot of fun things to do, so I don't know which course should I take now~.
Tae : I think that's good too. You don't need to decide on just 1 course.
Tae : There a lot of fun things to do in this world after all. So you don't need to decide on just 1 course.
Himari : I see~. You're right.
Tae : After you finished creating your own courses. let's do jogging together!
Himari : Yes! Then next time, I'll show Otae my recommended course!
Tae : Yes. I'm looking forward to it.
Himari : ... Anyways, let's talk again later.
Himari : I need to get going now. If not, the coat will be sold out.
Tae : Ah, Wait. Can I go with you?
Himari : Well, I don't mind... but you're planning to go to the pet shop, right?
Tae : I can go to the pet shop later. I have feeling that I could find so many fun things if I go to the shopping mall with Himari.
Himari : S- stop it~. I get really happy if you say something like that~.
Himari : Ah, That is right! After we finished shopping, how about we go to the cafe that I recommend?
Himari : The cream puff over there is really tasty~. The outside is so fluffy and the cream is melting in your mouth when you eat it~...
Tae : Let's go!
Himari : Ah, Did you know? When you eat a cream puff, the cream inside will spill outside, right?
Tae : Yes. Its always spill out when I eat it.
Himari : You see, I know a way to prevent that!
Tae : ...!
Himari : I heard, if we eat a cream puff upside down, it won't spill! Let's try it together later.
Tae : Himari, Awesome... You're a Cream puff-sensei.
Himari : Geez~, Stop calling me that~.
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