Chapter 2 - Crimson memories (First half)
== Studio ==
Ran : Hello.
Marina : Ah, Ran-chan! I’ve been waiting for you!
Ran : I also brought the others with me just like you asked me.
Everyone : Hello--!
Marina : I'm sorry for making everyone come all the way here~. To tell you the truth, I need everyone help with something.
Ran : Kasumi has already told us the story.
Tsugumi : You're planning to update CiRCLE's homepage, right?
Tomoe : Eh, Really?
Moca : Tomo-chin, didn't you listen to our conversation with Popipa earlier~. They say something like that when we meet them earlier.
Tomoe : Ah, I see, so it's like that! I finally understand. I though Popipa is planning to create their own homepage.
Himari : If I'm not wrong, I heard from them that you're going to interview us too, Marina-san...
Marina : It's not something that big. I'm planning to make a band introduction page for each band, so I just want to ask some questions to all of you.
Moca : That means, we'll also get our own page right~? Eh~, What should we do~, Ran~?
Ran : CiRCLE has helped us a lot, so this is the least we can do for them, don't you think?
Moca : Oo~, Ran. So mature~~.
Ran : ...
Himari : I- I'm sorry. Just like what Ran said, CiRCLE has helped us a lot, so we don't mind if you want to interview us.
Marina : Yes, thank you, everyone! I'll be in your care!
Marina : Then, let's start immediately. The first question is [I started learning an instrument recently, but I can't seem to get better at it, please give some kind of tips if there are any.].
Marina : What Afterglow did when you all started learning how to play an instrument for the very first time?
Himari : I can relate to that. How nostalgic~.
Ran : When we started doing band... what do we do again...?
Moca : Come to think of it, Ran. At first, you were like [I just make a sound...!], and you were really excited about it, right~?
Ran : That’s...!
Moca : Eh~, you don’t remember~?
Ran : I remember! But that's not what I say!
Tsugumi : At that time, we used to practice by preparing a music score of a song that we know and then try to perform it, right?
Tomoe : Exactly! As expected, it's important to practice using the song that we like.
Ran : If I recall correctly, the song that we use only has 4 chords in it, so it's not really that hard to learn.
Himari : That's right! If you practice using a complex song from the start, you won't get any better and you might even give up halfway.
Tsugumi : We're all over the place at first, but slowly, our sound finally synchronized together and it makes us really happy~.
Tomoe : I remember that Moca always said [Ooo~, Just now, we sound like a band]
Moca : You're right~, I remember that. We're still young back then~.
Marina : I see~. Thank you! Listening to your story makes me remember about the time I started my own band.
Marina : Then, let's move on to the next question, shall we? Let's see, the next question is [Please tell me if you ever encounter any trouble or some accident happens during your Live]---
Himari : Accident during our Live... Ehh---, Did something like that happen. I don't really remember...
Moca : Ah...
Tomoe : Oo, Moca! Did you remember something?
Moca : It's 'that' right? I don't remember when, but at that time Hii-chan wants to hype-up the crowds so she shouts [Ey, Ey, Oohh--~]...
Himari : !?
Tomoe : Ah, Something like that happen!! Ahaha!
Moca : The crowd doesn't know how to respond so they just shout [Yeayy...], but that one counts as an accident, right~.
Ran : It's an [Half hearted respond], right.
Himari : Geez~~! Why is everyone bullying me!? That doesn't count as an accident! Rather, why didn't everyone give me a follow up at that time!
Moca : Well, we're [the same as always] even during Live~.
Tsugumi : Then, that also counts as an accident too. Did anyone remember when Tomoe-chan suddenly shout [Soiya!] before the Live?
Ran - Moca - Himari : Ah~~~
Tomoe : Eh!? That’s also an accident!?
Moca : Rather than an accident~, it's more like a coup d'eat.
Tomoe : That's an exaggeration!
Tomoe : In the end, nobody does it except me. And also, shouting that makes you get more hype up, you know!
Marina : Fufufu, Thanks, everyone! Then, let's have a little break.
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