Chapter 3 - I want to hit the ball coolly

== A few days later ==

== Tsurumaki Residence – Batting Centre ==

Kokoro : Mr. ball. How are you today? I feel really great today!

Kokoro - Kaoru : ...

Kaoru : I see. What a shy little kitten this ball is.

Kokoro : You're right. I never heard him speak even once.

Kaoru : However, Kokoro. I remember something very important. If you want to get close to someone, then, you must make them know about you first.

Kokoro : You're right! That’s very important! Thank you for telling me that, Kaoru!

Kaoru : Your welcome. This is also for the match.

Kokoro : Then, let's introduce ourselves! Starting from me!

Kokoro : Hello, Mr. Ball! My name is Tsurumaki Kokoro! I'm the vocalist of a band called Hello, Happy World!

Kokoro : In softball, my position is the right fielder! My favorite thing is everyone's smile! Smile is really a wonderful thing!

Kokoro : And you know what? I want to become a friend with you! If we become a friend then we can have fun and play softball together!

Kaoru : Aaaa, Kokoro... such a beautiful introduction, How fleeting...!

Hagumi : Kano-chan-senpai! Here I go~! Take this!

Kanon : Wa, Wa, Wa....! ...Eh? Where did the ball go....?

Misaki : It's in your glove! You caught it!

Kanon : Eh? ...Ah.

Kano : Did I just... catch it...? I managed to catch it...?

Hagumi : You did it! Congrats, Kano-chan-senpai!

Misaki : Yes, Nice catch.

Kanon : Ehehe, Thank you

Kokoro : Amazing, Kanon! You catch it very gently! I bet Mr. ball is really happy too!

Kaoru : Aah, I just witness something wonderful. Let's throw her into the air.

Hagumi : That's a good idea! Hagumi wants to do the 'Hip Hip hooray' things!

Misaki : Ahaha, Its like she just wins something big.

Kanon : You don't need to do that~... But everyone, Thank you. I gain more confidence because of this.

Hagumi : Kano-chan-senpai, It's because you did your best! Now, let's try and do it more seriously!

Kanon : Y-Yes! Please take care of me, Hagumi-chan!

Kokoro : I’ll do my best too! Mr. Ball, after hearing my self-introduction, I want you to hear me singing!

Kaoru : Flowing sweat, Blooming smile... Aaa! What a beautiful scenery... I bet we'll see even more sparkling in tomorrow's match.

Misaki : Well, I'm a bit worried at first, but... Kaoru-san, Kanon-san, and also Kokoro are doing pretty well.

Misaki : (I guess we don't need to worry about tomorrow match anymore.)

== On the way back ==

Hagumi : I’m hungry--! After all, we practice so much today, no wonder we get hungry!

Kokoro : I don't why but I want to eat croquettes now! Is it because the sky has the same color as croquettes?

Hagumi : You're right! The sky looks golden brown! ...Eh? That girl over there is...Oyy!

Akari : Ah, Hagumi-chan! And everyone else too!

Hagumi : Were you practicing your swing again?

Akari : Yes!

Kokoro : As expected, Akari is really a hard worker!

Kanon : But, it’s getting dark soon... maybe it's time for Akari-chan to go home now?

Kaoru : Yes, It's dangerous for a girl like you to be in this kind of place alone at this hour.

Hagumi : That’s right! Working hard is fine, but you mustn't push yourself too hard!

Akari : B-But... since everyone is going to participate in the match tomorrow, I want to show everyone my cool side! 

Hagumi : Your cool side?

Akari : Yes. Tomorrow, I want to hit the ball coolly, just like what you did Hagumi-chan.

Misaki : If I'm not wrong, before this, you said you haven't been able to hit the ball even once.

Hagumi : It's going to be fine! Hagumi believes that Akari will be able to do it!

Akari : ...Really?

Hagumi : Of course! So make sure to get some rest today so that tomorrow you can go all out!

Kokoro : Yes! Besides, tomorrow we’ll also be there! It'll definitely going to be a fun match!

Akari : ...Yes! Thank you, Everyone!

Hagumi : Then everyone--! Let's do our best tomorrow--!

Kokoro - Kaoru - Misaki - Kanon : Ouuuu---!


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