Chapter 3 - Crimson memories (Latter half)
== Studio ==
Marina : Well then, shall we continue the interview? Is everyone here?
Ran : Yes, we’re ready.
Marina : Then, the next question is... [I am thinking about starting a band, but can you tell me what kind of fun experience did you have when doing a band or when doing a Live?].
Marina : What kind of fun experience that Afterglow has experienced when doing band?
Himari : Fun experience...huh. This one is hard to answer, right? I mean, everything that we have experienced up until now, most of it has been fun, right?
Tomoe : You're right. Everything has been fun.
Ran : For me, it's probably that...
Moca : Oo, Ran-sensei is going to answer the question. Everyone, listen carefully~.
Ran : ...Nevermind then.
Himari : Moca~, don't tease her like that! Ran, just tell us if you think of something.
Ran : Sigh...
Ran : I don't know how to explain it... doing Live and having fun with the audiences is fun and all, but I think what's more important is the process that leads up to that Live.
Ran : Sharing our thought and creating a new song together, and then shaping that song into [Afterglow's song]... to be able to do that makes me really happy.
Tomoe : Shaping our song into [Afterglow's song], huh...
Tomoe : I see...As expected of Ran! You say something good!
Tsugumi : I understand that feeling! Discussing our thought and completing a new song is really fun!
Tomoe : Come to think of it, there are also times when we argued because of the song that Ran makes.
Ran : We did, fufufu.
Himari : Sniff...
Moca : Eh? Hii-chan...? Why are you crying~?
Himari : I mean~, Ran just said something really good~.
Ran : W- Wait, Himari, stop it. You're exaggerating.
Marina : No, you just said something really important, Ran-chan.
Ran : Marina-san?
Marina : Because you're not alone, because you have someone to share your thought and to discuss with, being in a band have a meaning, you can only do that when you're in a band after all.
Moca : Everyone has a different line of thinking after all~. Yep yep. But, Moca-chan and Ran's line of thinking is completely the same though~.
Ran : Rather, Moca. That's just too random.
Moca : It's not~. That’s what I really think~
Marina : Well, that's the last question... next, I want to record all of you.
Tsugumi : ...Eh? Camera...?
Marina : Eh? Kasumi-chan didn't tell you about this? I want you to give some kind of message to the peoples who want to start doing band and learning music.
Himari : Eh, In video format!? What should I do!? Did my eyes look red!? Is it okay?
Marina : Fufu, They're fine. Then, I’ll start the recording!
Marina : Then, please!
Tomoe : Then, I'll go first! Ummm, to everyone who wants to start doing band and learning music.
Tomoe : I hope you can make more friends by learning music and doing band. It feels really awesome to have a friend to discuss about music or band, you know!
Tsugumi : If you still feel undecided about doing band or not, then just do it right now! Strike while the iron hot! I'll be cheering for you!
Himari : If you're afraid of starting your own band on your own, then discuss it with your friend. Your friend will definitely give you the best advice!
Moca : Even if everyone has a different line of thinking, Moca-chan believe that there’s no one who dislikes music~
Moca : That's why, there are definitely many people who also interested in doing band around you~. A Emo band life is definitely waiting for you~.
Ran : You may encounter many hardships if you decided to do band, but all the fun things that you'll experience when doing band makes it worth it.
Ran : And more than anything.... the reason I started doing band is to come to a term with myself. That's why---
Ran : I want you all to have fun just like us. Good luck with your band. I'm cheering for you.
Moca : Oo~, So you decided... to look into the camera.
Ran : ...
Ran : Moca, shut up
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