Ending - World full of smile! (Latter half)

== Studio ==

Marina  : Well then, shall we continue?

Kokoro : Yes, of course! Everyone is fine, right?

Kaoru : Of course. I’m sure that the little kittens want to know more about us. I'll answer all of the questions.

Marina : Fufu, Thank you. Then, let's move on to the next question.

Marina : [I am thinking about starting a band, but can you tell me what kind of fun experience did you have when doing a band or when doing a Live?]...That's the question.

Hagumi : It's always fun doing band and doing Live, right? Is there even a time when it's not fun?

Hagumi : This question, Hagumi doesn't know how to answer it.

Kaoru : Fufu, That's fine, Hagumi. Happiness is something that you feel inside your heart not inside your head. So it's only natural that you don't know how to put it into word.

Kanon : I feel like I gain more courage after I started doing band. Right now, I feel like I can do anything if it's with everyone.

Kanon : I never feel something like this before. So I'm really happy that I could experience this kind of feeling.

Misaki  : The answer feels somewhat more decent than the previous one... but the problem is, Kokoro...

Misaki : Kokoro. What do you think is fun when doing band?

Kokoro : Everythings! I mean, being in a band is making me smile after all!

Misaki : I know that you gonna say that.

Kokoro : But, even if you're not in a band or even if you don't learn music, there are still many things that could make you smile!

Misaki : Eh?

Kokoro : So if you want to make a band then do it, if you want to do something else that's fine too!

Kokoro : Band isn't happiness itself, band is only a part of it.

Kokoro : There are many other things that can make you smile, that's why have fun and smile a lot!

Kokoro : Because, there are so many fun things that you can do in this world. 

Misaki : ...Hahaha. Kokoro, you always do this sometimes.. It feels likes you suddenly get some kind of enlightenment...

Kanon : There are so many fun things that you can do in this world...huh. I understand the meaning of those words because of Hello happy.

Hagumi : Kokoron, Amazing--! That's what Hagumi wants to say! 

Hagumi : Hagumi love doing band, but Hagumi also love softball too! Kokoron, thank you! Hagumi will never forget your words!

Kaoru : Kokoro...As I thought, you're my soulmate. Thanks to your words, I just get inspiration for my new poem.

Kaoru : A fleeting poem that no one has ever seen before

Misaki : Fufufu... You're all exaggerating it, don't you think...?

Misaki : Well, For me, meeting these peoples here and starting a band is the happiest thing that I ever do...

Misaki : Somehow, I really like it here.

Marina : Fufufu. As expected of the band that exists to make everyone smile, that answer just now is really Hello happy-like

Marina : Thank you everyone.

Marina : Then before we end this, I want you to give a message to all the peoples who’re thinking about starting a band and learning music...I'll start the recording, okay.


Marina : Then, please.

Kaoru : To all the little kittens who’re thinking about starting a band and learning music. Band is just like Drama, you can only enjoy half of it fun if you're only watching it. You can enjoy all of it fun only when you start doing it yourself.

Kaoru : Just like what Shakespeare said [Nothing will start, if you don't do anything.]

Kaoru : Follow this Seta Kaoru. And please do all the things that you wanna do.

Kanon : And if you don't have the courage to take the first step, then try to recite this spell---

Kanon : Happiness! Happy-Magical ♪. You will definitely gain more courage. Good luck.

Hagumi : It's okay if you can't play any instrument at first! What's important is your love for music!! If you do your best, you will definitely improve your skill!

Hagumi : Ah, But don't ever practice with an empty stomach, you must eat a lot of food! I recommended Croquettes as a side dish!

Misaki : Well--, you will definitely encounter many hardships, but it's all worth it in the end.

Misaki : I'm the one who said this, so it's definitely not a mistake. *Whisper But I don't recommend wearing any mascot costume when you're doing a band... hahaha.

Kokoro : If you want to create a band then do it right now! Don't waste your time being unsure of what to do!

Kokoro : You can only experience 'today' today after all, so I want you to have fun!

Kokoro : If you do the thing that you wanna do, then the smile will spread further, and then this world be full of smile!

Kokoro : That's why---

Kokoro : Let's make the world smile together!!

Kokoro : Then, let's do this--! Everyone, together~~!

Kokoro : Happy--! Lucky--! Smile~~!

Everyone : Yeeeeaaaaayyy!!!

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