Opening - Combining our dazzling sound (First half)

== Studio ==

Kasumi : Marina-san, hello~!

All : Hello~

Marina : Ah, Popipa! I'm sorry for making everyone come all the way here~.

Saaya : CiRCLE always takes care of us after all! So it's fine!

Rimi : Kasumi-chan said that CiRCLE needs our help for something... if it's something that we can do then we'll gladly help you.

Marina : It's nothing big, but I need everyone's help.

Arisa : You don't need to be that polite~.

Tae : Yes. We’re friend, after all, Marina-san

Marina : Fufu, Thank you.

Marina : To tell you the truth, thanks to everyone, the people who come to CiRCLE have increased a lot, and so, I'm thinking to update our homepage.

Kasumi : You want to update the homepage!! That's a good idea!!

Marina : Also, I'm thinking of adding an introduction page for all the band that comes here often on the homepage, and so, I need everyone's help.

Arisa : Band...

Rimi : Introduction page...?

Marina : Ah, You don't have to think too much about it. I just want to ask a simple question to everyone, and then compile it together.

Tae : It sounds like an interview for a magazine.

Kasumi : You're right! Yeay--! I always want to be interviewed by someone~

Saaya : I wonder what kind of question you will ask us, I'm getting a little excited now.

Marina : The questions that I’ll be asking you is all written on here.

Kasumi : Eh? CiRCLE’s notebook?

Marina : That’s right. Among the message that everyone writes, there are also many people who write a question for you guys.

Marina : And so, I'm going to use that question for the interview.

Tae : I often see someone write their thought about our Live, but I never noticed that there are also questions on there.

Marina : There are many questions from peoples who want to start doing band on their own, but doesn't know what to begin with, so I want you, as their senpai, to answer their question.

Kasumi : Yes! Of course! I’ll answer any questions~

Marina : Then, I'll start with the first question. Let's see [I started learning an instrument recently, but I can't seem to get better at it, please give some kind of tips if there are any.]

Marina : ...That's the question... what do you think, everyone? Do you have any tips?

Kasumi : Well, of course, you must love music first! There's this kind of saying, right! [You'll get better if you do something that you love doing]

Arisa : But, I don't think that's the answer that they want to hear. right? Maybe we should give a more concrete answer.

Kasumi : Ah, I see. Then, just practice harder! There are nothings you can do other than practicing!

Tae : Right. I agreed.

Arisa : That's too obvious! That's not what I mean, what they want to know is if there are any good practice methods...

Rimi : When I learned to play Bass for the first time, I tried to practice it while playing a CD and try to match my rhythm with the music.

Arisa : Yes. Something like that.

Rimi : And also, it's important to understand that you won't be able to do it perfectly right away.

Saaya : Ah, I understand that.

Rimi : If you try to do it perfectly right away, you won't be able to keep up the pace and your rhythm will get slower.

Rimi : The most important thing is to keep up with the rhythm, so just match your rhythm with the CD that you play, and even if you make a mistake, just keep going.

Rimi : As you keep on practicing, you will make fewer and fewer mistakes.

Kasumi : It’s the same with the guitar! The most important thing is just to follow the music!

Arisa : I remember when we first practiced together, we're practicing using slow motion...

Kasumi : Aaaa... Thank you for bearing with me at that time, everyone.

Tae : Also, I often play with my guitar while we're talking. 

Saaya : You did that a lot, Otae~.

Rimi : Before this, when we're talking about horror stories, you use your guitar to create BGM.

Tae : By doing that, you can learn how to play guitar while moving your mouth separately.

Marina :I see~. Thank you for the answer, everyone~! Then, let's move on to the next question. The next question is, let's see---

Marina :[Please tell me if you ever encounter any trouble or some accident happens during your Live]

Kasumi : Trouble, huh~... Did we ever have any?

Arisa : I don't think we ever have any accidents other than that [Twinkle Twinkle little star accident] when we're in SPACE.

Kasumi : Eh...? But, that's not an accident though?

Arisa : No no no, of course it's!

Saaya : Ah, thinking about it, I...

Rimi : Eh? Saaya-chan, did something ever happen to you?

Saaya : Yes... It's not that big of a deal though, but my drum stick flew away from my hand during a Live once before.

Everyone : Eh!?

Saaya : It's at the beginning of a song too, I'm a little too excited on beating my drum, and whooshh, it flew away...fufufu.

Arisa : Whooshh, you said Saaya...

Saaya I did prepare spare sticks at that time, so I immediately grab it and continue playing, but that was close~.

Rimi : So, that kind of thing happens. I didn't notice at all.

Kasumi : Me too...

Saaya : But, I'm glad that I prepared a spare sticks at that time. If not, I'll probably beat the drum with my hand.

Tae : That sounds interesting! How about you do that in our next Live!

Saaya : Umm, I wonder about that... I don't think you can call it drumming anymore if I do that...

Marina : Fufufu, As expected, many things could happen during Live~. Thanks everyone, let's have a little break.

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