Ending - Lighting the flame inside Akari once again
== 7th inning ==
Akari : ...No, it's impossible.
Hagumi - Kokoro - Kanon - Misaki : ...!?
Akari : Akari can't do it.
Hagumi : That's not true! What's wrong with you Akari!?
Akari : Akari doesn't understand. Akira work so hard... even everyone is praising Akari... but, even after all that, Akari still can't hit the ball.
Akari : The pitcher has also gotten better. What should Akari do, why can't Akari hit it.
Kanon : Akari-chan...
Hagumi : I see... so that's mean, Akari loses your self-confidence.
Akari : Self-confidence....?
Hagumi : Yes. But, if you bring out your courage, then you will definitely regain your self-confidence!
Akari : B- But... how am I supposed to do that?
Hagumi : Believe in yourself! After that, cheer yourself up.
Akari : ...That's impossible, Akari can never hit the ball...
Hagumi : No, Akari, you can hit the ball! You just lose your confidence and became unable to hit the ball!
Hagumi : The usual Akari will definitely hit the ball! Hagumi believe in you!
Akari : So it's not because Akari is not good...?
Hagumi : Yes! Besides, Akari has practiced so hard! That's why, Akari can definitely hit the ball!
Hagumi : Didn't Akari also saw Hello Happy's performance today? They practiced a lot and they get better!
Akari : ... Can Akari hit it?
Hagumi : Of course! I mean, ever since that time, Akari have already hold courageousness inside of you! That's why, just do your best and use all of your strength!
Kokoro : Exactly! Self-confidence and courage! If you have that, then you can do anything!
Akari : Courage...okay. Back then, everyone has already give me courage.
Kanon : We believe in you Akari-chan. But, you also need to believe in yourself.
Misaki : Right. If you go all out and have fun, everyone will definitely think that you're cool. Look, even Kaoru-san is clasping her hands in her chest and... what is she doing actually.
Akari : Everyone... You're right. Everyone is so cool when you hit the ball. Akari also wants to hit the ball! No, Akari will hit the ball!
Akari : Then everyone will think that Akari is cool!
Hagumi : Yes! That’s the spirit, Akari!
Akari : Thank you! I’m off!
Kokoro : Akari--! We're here with you--!
Misaki : Calm down and relax!
Kanon : It's going to be fine--!
Misaki : ...Now, we can only watch her.
Hagumi : Yes... But, Akari will definitely hit it! Hagumi knows because Hagumi is the captain!
Hagumi : Akari--! Hit it with all you got----!
== After the match ==
Misaki : Haaaaa... we did all we can... but we still lose.
Kanon : Yes... But I think it was a good match. I mean our final score is 3-4, it was really intense.
Kokoro : You're right! I had a lot of fun! I even become a friend with Mr. Ball!
Kaoru : Yes, the match is overflowing with fleetingness. How about this, let's make softball into our regular band activity.
Kokoro : That's a good idea! Feel free to use the batting center every time you feel like it!
Kanon : Ahaha... Our activity just keeps on increasing.
Hagumi : Everyone--! Sorry for making you wait---!
Misaki : Ah, Hagumi. Akari too. What did the opponent team say?
Hagumi : They said they have a lot of fun! They also said that they want to do it again! ...Everyone, good job for today!
Hagumi : We lost but it was a fun match! We also showed them how cool we are!
Hagumi : To think I could play softball with everyone that I love... Hagumi is really happy right now! Thank you, everyone!
Kokoro : I'm the one who should say that! Thank you for showing us, how fun softball is, Hagumi!
Kanon : Yes, Me too! At first, I don't know how will this turn out, but I'm glad I do my best.
Misaki : Seriously, everyone did really well this time. Excluding the bunt that Kaoru-san makes though.
Kaoru : Fufu, Surprising the audience with an unexpected twist is the wish of every actor.
Akari : ...U- umm, Hagumi-chan, everyone. Akari also wants to say thank you. Everyone helped me once again.
Hagumi : No, we didn't do anything! Everything is the result of your hard work! That's it!
Hagumi : It was really cool, Akari!
Akari : ...Yes!
Hagumi : Ah, That's right! We need to do a celebration for the end of the match! Hagumi forgot!
Kanon : Celebration...?
Hagumi : Yes! After a match, we always gather together and do a celebration! We go to a family restaurant and spend time together!
Kokoro : That's good idea! I'm getting hungry, right now! I also want to do a Live after that! I just think of a good melody!
Hagumi : As expected of Kokoro! Then let's make a new song too!
Kaoru : Yes, what a wonderful suggestion. I bet it'll become a really fleeting song.
Akari : Waaa! Akari wants to see the Live!
Kanon : Eh... EH? A Live? After all this...?
Misaki : Sigh... Well, let's talk about the Live and the new song later after we eat. I'm hungry.
Hagumi : Yosh! That settles it! Let's go to the family restaurant everyone--!
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