Chapter 5 - Flowers connected by music (Latter half)

== Studio ==

Marina : Then, shall we continue the interview? Is everyone ready?

Aya : Ummm... We won't be talking about my accident again, right?

Marina : Fufufu, Don't worry, we won't. Then the next question is---.

Marina : [I am thinking about starting a band, but can you tell me what kind of fun experience did you have when doing a band or when doing a Live?]... it said.

Aya : Fun things that I experienced when doing band or doing Live...huh. Hmm~~, Everything that I have experienced up until now mostly has been fun though... 

Marina : That might be true, but can you give me some examples?

Chisato : For me, it's the atmosphere that you feel during Live. It's not something that you can feel when recording a drama or a movie.

Maya : I agreed!

Maya : Even if we perform the same song, the excitement that we got when performing in front of a live audience compare to performing in the studio is completely different.

Hina : For me, it makes me run♪ when knowing that a lot of people that we don't know are coming to our Live to watch us--.

Eve : A Live is just like a sword fight with the audience! It feels really Bushido--!

Aya : Has everyone ever feels like your performance is becoming better than when you're practicing because everyone is cheering for you? I often feel that,

Chisato : I also feel that sometimes. Also, during Live, I often noticed many new things that I didn't notice during practice.

Aya : Me too! For example, when I see the expression of the audience during Live I often noticed something like [Ah, So this song has this kind meaning!] that kind of thing! 

Marina : Hee~, What did you feel at that time? Please tell me the detail.

Chisato : We are different from the other bands, we receive the song from our agency and then they told us the image of the song, the meaning, and how should we perform it during our practice, but---

Chisato : The thing that we didn't notice at that time, will suddenly come upon us during our Live.

Aya : Almost like, the audience is the one who makes us notice it, right?

Marina : I see~, that's something that I could only hear from Pasupare. Thank you~.

Aya : I believe that everyone who comes to our Live has different circumstances going on in their life.

Aya : Among them, there might be someone who's feeling down because something bad happens to them, yet still come to watch our Live.

Aya : I'm really happy if I can cheer them up and make them forget about their sadness even for just a moment. 

Marina : Waa~, I just heard something good~. Thank you, everyone!

Marina : Then, for the last is---

Aya : If I'm not wrong, you want us to give a message to all the peoples who’re thinking about starting a band and learning music, right! I read about it in the group chat!

Marina : Fufufu, Then that will make things faster. Wait a second, I'm going to prepare the camera...


Marina : Then, please--!

Aya : Hello, everyone! Coloring the mountain cutely, Pastel*Palettes's vocal Maruyama Aya here♪

Aya : To all the peoples who’re thinking about starting a band and learning music. It might be quite hard at first, but don’t give up, please do your best!

Aya : Follow your dream, and with your band member, muve foorword!...Ah, I bite my tongue again!

Hina : Ahahaha! As expected of Aya-chan! You completely destroy the last line~.

Aya : Uuu~~~, Even though I want to make myself look cool~.

Hina : As expected, Aya-chan is the best~. Well--, just like now, I hope everyone could have a funny person just like Aya-chan in their band.

Hina : You'll probably encounter a lot of people after this~. And don't forget to search a lot of  run♪ things--

Eve : I'm able to meet a lot of wonderful companions because of music! I'm glad that I learn music, I'm glad that I'm doing band!

Eve : If you do it, it will happen, if you don't do it, it won't happen! Please do your best while still holding your Bushido spirit inside your heart!

Maya : Even if you're not in band, you can still enjoy music in your own way, and that's what makes music really wonderful!

Maya : If you have even a little bit of interest, start learning music right now. You won't regret it. 

Hina : Then, Chisato-chan, you're the last one! End it with a bang--.

Chisato : Hina-chan.... don't say something that gonna put pressure on me.

Hina : Even though you said that, you're actually pretty good at doing something like this, right, Chisato-chan.

Chisato : That’s right, I’ll do my best.

Chisato : Umm, To all the peoples who’re thinking about starting a band and learning music. Just as you can see, We, Pasupare, have become this close thanks to learning music,

Chisato : What's important is your [Love for music]. If you can keep on holding that feeling in your heart, then I believe you will definitely be able to keep on striving.

Chisato : Dream big, and try to achieve it one step at a time.

Chisato : We'll also do our best, so we won't lose to you, so please take care of Pastel*palletes from now on too. 

Chisato : that?

Aya : expected... Chisato-chan is really good at this...

Eve : You even advertising Pastel*Palettes at the end...

Maya : Just as I thought, Chisato-san. You’re professional…

Chisato : Fufufu.

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