Chapter 4 - Flowers connected by music (First half)

== Studio ==

Aya : Hello~!

Marina : Ah, Welcome everyone!

All : Hello~.

Marina : ...Hm? There's still 30 minutes before the appointed times... right?

Chisato : It's unacceptable for us to be late, so we always arrive more early than the appointed times. It has become a habit.

Chisato : If it's okay with you, can we wait here until the appointed time?

Marina : I see, I understand! As expected from a professional~.

Marina : I don't have anything to do right now, and since everyone has come early, how about we start now? You see, Today---.

Hina : We already heard the story--. You're going to interview us, right, Marina-san? Everyone is talking about it on the group chat.

Marina : I see, that makes things faster. I'm planning to update the CiRCLE's homepage, so please, lend me your strength. 

Maya : You don't need to be that polite. CiRCLE has always helped us. So this is nothing. 

Eve : I've been interviewed by many magazines before, but it feels different when Marina-san is the one who going to interview me.

Aya : Certainly. Rather than an interview, it feels like we're just going to chat normally.

Marina : Fufufu, Just relax. Then, let's start with the first question.

Marina :  [I started learning an instrument recently, but I can't seem to get better at it, please give some kind of tips if there are any.]... what did Pasupare do?

Aya : A tips for learning instrument, huh~. It seems this is not a question that I can answer. Everyone, please.

Maya : No, there are also definitely many peoples who want to hear Aya-san's vocal practice. Please tell them about that!

Chisato : Aya-chan, you always do that, right. You always do a lot basic physical training.

Aya : Yes, You're right. You need a lot of stamina when singing during Live, so I often do running, sit-up, push-up...and many other things!

Hina : You also do that. Developing a new pose!

Eve : Come to think of it! Aya-san always do many poses in front of the mirror!

Aya : D- don't say that, it's embarrassing...

Chisato : You don't need to be embarrassed. That's also something that you need to do as a proper vocalist.

Aya : Thank you, Chisato-chan... But, enough about me, now it's everyone turns to tell yours practice method...

Hina : I don't have any particular practice method though, do you even need to practice it? I can play it right away though?

Chisato : Ummm...Hina-chan is a bit of a special case, so you probably won't learn anything if you ask her... 

Hina : Eeeeh? Why? Then, what about Chisato-chan?

Chisato : As for me, let's see... I watch other people's performances repeatedly.

Aya : So you watch the videos, and try to match your movement with them?

Chisato : It's a bit different.

Chisato : I also learn their finger movement, their posture, their line of sight, and their expression.

Chisato : So while I watch those videos repeatedly, I also imagined myself standing on their shoes and create the image on how my performance should be.

Eve : I see! In other words, you're doing an image training!

Chisato : That might be true. 

Maya : As expected of Chisato-chan! Actually, it's really important to do that!

Aya : Really?

Maya : It's like that with everything, [Imagining what will you do] is something that's really important.

Maya : When I talked to a lot of musician, most of them also said that you must [Imagine what will you do] first!

Aya : I see, so it's like that~...Ah, Come to think, me too, when I don't know what to do, I always watch Ayumi-san performance video to get a hint!

Maya : Yes, It's like that! Also, it also important to practice before going to bed and then have a good night's sleep after that. 

Maya : Once you wake up the next morning, your brain has already finished accumulating all the practice that you have done the night before, and you can even do the part that you're struggling with the day before.

Eve : Maya-san told me about it before, and I've actually tried it and it really work! I really recommend it!

Marina : I see~, as expected of Maya-chan. Thank you for the professional advice!

Marina : Then, shall we move on to the next question? The next question is---

Marina :  [Please tell me if you ever encounter any trouble or some accident happens during your Live]... is what it said.

Hina : Okay, This is Aya-chan’s turn to answer---

Aya : Eh~~. Why me~?

Hina : When it comes to an accident, of course Aya-chan is the right person to ask. An accident will definitely occur when Aya-chan is the MC.

Aya : Rather than an accident, it is more like a mess up...

Chisato : Ah, Come to think of it... before this, you wear the wrong costumes during one of our Live and almost go to the stage while wearing that. 

Maya : Ah~, something like that did happen before this!

Aya : I- I'm really panic at that time~. When we're on the backstage and take off our bench coat, my costumes are the only one who's different...!

Hina : Ahahaha! The face that Aya-chan makes at that time is really funny---.

Eve : But in the end, you change it immediately and made it in time before our performance start. that was a close call.

Marina : Hee~ So something like that happens. Please tell me about it next time, in full detail.

Aya : Marina-san~... please don't say something like that~.

Marina : Fufufu, It's just a joke! Then, let's take a break now.

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