Chapter 7 - Happiness toward music (Latter half)
Marina : Haaa~, Your cookies is really is delicious, Lisa-chan~.I might eat a little bit too much.
Ako : Right~. She always brings this every time we have a practice. Ako will get fat at this rate~.
Rinko : Ako-chan... your mouth is full of cookies crumble...
Ako : Waa, It's because I ate too fast...
Lisa : Ahaha... Maybe You're right, I might be baking too many cookies recently...
Yukina : But, I think it's important to replenish our sugar intake before practicing. So I don't see it as a problem.
Sayo : Furthermore, Imai-san's cookies held a mysterious power that makes us relax after eating it.
Lisa : Really!? Yeay~! Then I'll bake a lot of them from now on too.
Marina : Fufufu, Then how about we continue the interview now?
Marina : Umm, Let's see, the next question is... [I am thinking about starting a band, but can you tell me what kind of fun experience did you have when doing a band or when doing a Live?]
Marina : ....That's the question.
Yukina : Fun things that we experience when doing a band or doing a Live....
Ako : Yes, yes! Ako thinks everything is fun! The practice, the live, everything!
Marina : Hmm~, everyone said that but can you give me some example?
Ako : Example, huh~.
Rinko : Probably... if you only want to have fun... then you can do it... even if you're not in a band...
Rinko : But, I... when I'm performing together everyone... I can actually love for music.
Rinko : I probably won't be able to feel that... If I'm not in a band.
Ako : That's right! As expected of Rinrin!
Ako : Ah! Also, Ako likes the fact that we're all moving forward together toward the same goal~. It feels likes we're a party in RPG, it's so cool~!
Lisa : Certainly, when we hit a wall, or when we suffer some hardship, we could overcome all of that because we're together, at a time like that, I'm really glad that I'm in a band.
Sayo : I think the reason I able to face myself is because everyone is here with me.
Sayo : I don’t know if I can call it something fun or not, but it's something that you can only do when you're in a band.
Lisa : Ooo~, That’s deep~. Then Yukina, you're the last one! What makes you think being in a band is fun?
Ako : I wonder what's Yukina-san's answer~. I want to hear it~.
Yukina : Don't expect too much from me. My answer is very simple. The fun things that I experienced while being in a band, no, while being in Roselia is...
Yukina : When I'm performing and singing together with this member.
Yukina : I don’t think there’s anything else
Lisa : Yukina…
Yukina : However, I reached that answer only recently. I don't think this is something that I could say to someone who is about to start their band.
Marina : Nope, not at all. As expected, your word carry weight in it, Yukina-chan. Thankyou for answering.
Marina : Then, to end this up. You might have already heard this, but I want you to give a message to all the peoples who’re thinking about starting a band and learning music? I'm going to start the camera!
Marina : Then, please.
Ako : Ako will go first, okay! To everyone who’s going to start a band and learning music!
Ako : Release your burning soul from its prison and... ummm... go with the flow of sound.... umm... and just go bannggg!
Ako : Anways, Music is cool! If you're interested in it, then you must definitely try it!
Rinko : Thanks to music... I could keep on improving myself... every day... I'm sure... you'll also be able to find the side of you that you don't know until now...
Rinko : I want you to take... this new step forward.
Sayo : Sometimes, you might also feel that you're not improving even though you're practicing every day.
Sayo : When that happens, just think of this. [There's nothing I need to worry about] Also, in order to keep on going every day, you also need to take a break every now and then.
Lisa : Treasure that feeling, that makes you want to start learning music! And that feeling when all of the sound mix together! I want everyone to feels it.
Lisa : I’ll be cheering for you, so do your best.
Lisa : Well then, Yukina, you’re the last one again! Please---
Yukina : I only have one thing to say---
Yukina : Are you ready to fully devote yourself to music?
Ako : Yukina-san... You're so cool~~~.
Yukina : I’ll hope we can stand on the same stages one day.
Sayo : But at that time, I hope you prepare yourself.
Yukina : Of course, Because we're---
Yukina : Roselia.
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