Chapter 1 - Hagumi's method

== Forest park ==

Hagumi : Yosh! Then let's do our best in today's autumn-leaf viewing!
Ran : Is this something where we need to do our best...?
Rimi : Ahaha...
Ran : What make you two come here today, Minato-san, Sayo-san?
Sayo : Hmmm, It's actually just a coincidence...
Hagumi : Right after I talked with Rimirin about coming here, Roselia come to my shop!
Rimi : Is that so. Did Roselia go there to buy some croquettes?
Sayo : N- No, we're are planning to go home after visiting Udagawa-san house. When suddenly, Kitazawa-san invited us to comes here.
Yukina : I'm hoping that, by looking at beautiful scenery, I could get some inspiration for a new song. Unfortunately, the other member couldn't come today because they have other things to do.
Ran : Hee. So that's why you come here today.
Yukina : What about you, Mitake-san? Did Ushigome-san invite you?
Ran : Well, something like that. I'm also hoping... to get some inspiration for a new song or for my flower arrangement.
Rimi : The other Popipa member has something to do, so they can't come here today. So I'm thinking that Ran-chan who do flower arrangement, would have some kind of interest in coming here.
Yukina : Let's make today a great day.
Ran : O-, Okay...
Sayo : Then, how about we start our autumn leaf-viewing now? It seems we could do many activities in here...
Hagumi : Waaa~! You're right! There is grass flute and, taketonbo (small wooden Japanese toy) that we could play with? There's also Kayak! Everything looks fun~!
Yukina : Sayo, did you make any plan for today?
Sayo : I didn't. The main purpose for today is helping Ushigome-san to take some videos, right...
Rimi : Waa...! Sorry for doing this for me! Since this is a rare occasion, does anyone want to do something?
Ran : Well... I'm fine with everything.
Yukina : Is there something that Ushigome-san wants to do? You're the one who wants to make a video for your sister, right?
Rimi : Ummm...
Ran : (I don't know how to handle this kind of situation. Usually, the one who handles all of this is Tomoe or Himari... what should I do now?)
Rimi : (What should I do~! I want to do so many things, but Kasumi-chan and Saaya-chan who usually handle all of this is not here today...)
Sayo : ( As I thought, I should probably do some research first before coming here... what a blunder. Minato-san and I is the senpai here, so...)
Hagumi : I have a great idea!!
Rimi : Eh? What is it?
Hagumi : Everyone, close your eyes and pick 1 leaf!
Ran : For what?
Hagumi : If most of us pick yellow leaf then we're going to play with grass flute! If most of us pick red leaf then we're going to ride Kayak!
Rimi : Fufu, That seems fun. Let's do that.
Hagumi : Then close your eyes everyone~. Don't cheat, okay!
Ran : Eh, We're really going to do this?
Hagumi : Close your eyes, Ranran!
Ran : O, Okay... Well, we need to decide on what to do first after all.
Yukina : We only need to pick 1 leaf, right. Then...
Sayo : I have pick one, Kitazawa-san.
Hagumi : Then, open your eyes everyone~! 1,2!
Rimi : 3 yellow leaves and 2 red leaves?
Hagumi : Then let's play with grass flute first!!
Ran : Wait. The leaf that I pick is a bit red, right?
Yukina : You're right... It has a gradation.
Rimi : It's hard to tell apart... but you're right, it's a bit red.
Sayo : This means... it's yellow but also red at the same time?
Ran : ...
Ran : S, sorry! I'm just joking, Ahaha! This is actually a yellow leaf. Look at the backside.
Tsugumi : You're right! The backside has a yellow color.
Hagumi : Ranran, stop surprising me like that~!
Ran : Sorry. I just find it funny that we decide on what to do using this kind of method.
Yukina : But you don't need to put on such a serious expression.
Rimi : Fufu...! But, it becomes more fun this way.
Hagumi : Really!? Ehehe, That okay then!
Rimi : Then, let's play with grass flute.
Hagumi : Yes! Let's go--!


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