Chapter 4 - Autumn feast
Hagumi : Haaa~, That was fun~!
Rimi : Yes! That was my first time riding a Kayak, I'm glad I could paddle it.
Yukina : Yes. We could even see some refreshing and beautiful scenery.
Ran : Looking at the time, it seems we could walk around the park for a little bit longer. What should we do?
Sayo : Let see if we could find any other attraction.
Rimi : A, about that!
Hagumi : Rimirin, is there something that you wanna do? Tell us!
Rimi : Ummm... If all of you don't mind. Can we visit the food stalls over there...
Ran : Heee... So there are food stalls over there.
Yukina : Well, I'm a bit tired from riding the Kayak, so let's rest a bit while eating some food.
Sayo : Okay. Let's do that.
Rimi : Yes--! Then, let's go!
Ran : Ahaha, Rimi, You're getting excited all of sudden.
Sayo : An autumn's feast... Everything looks delicious.
Yukina : I smelled something good. Is that roasted sweet potato.
Rimi : I'm going to buy something real quick!
Hagumi : Hagumi too--! Yeay~! Which one should I buy~.
Ran : Ah, There they go. Then I'm going to buy something too. Let's meet again after buying what we want.
Yukina : I understand.
Hagumi : Sorry to make you wait~!! Ranran, Minato-san, Sayo-senpai! Thank you for reserving the seat for us!
Rimi : Sorry that we take a while, there are so many interesting things, so...
Ran : Don't mind. What did both of you buy?
Hagumi : I buy sweet potato and croquettes! I want to compare the taste to the one that I have back home.
Sayo : I see, so you're trying to study your rival, huh. As expected of Kitazawa-san.
Ran : Is that candied sweet potato, Rimi?
Rimi : Yes! I'm craving for something sweet right now so I buy this. What did you buy, Ran-chan... is that matsutake(Matsutake mushroom)!?
Ran : Yes, Matsutake skewers. It's quite pricy for food stall foods, but it makes you excited, doesn't it?
Rimi : It smells nice~! You're right, it makes me excited.
Hagumi : Hey-- Hey--, Can Hagumi eat this already? Hagumi can't wait it any longer~!
Rimi : Yes, Let's eat! Itadakimasu.
Ran : Itadakimasu... Delicious! It's more delicious than I thought. I'm glad that I bought this.
Hagumi : This croquette is also delicous~! It's sweet, so I could even eat this as a snack.
Rimi : This candied sweet potato is also dewicious~. The outside is so crunchy but the inside is so soft...!
Yukina : Do you have any other things to say?
Rimi : Ummm, Well it's....wait, Yukina-senpai! Don't record me while I'm eating, it's embrassing~!
Ran : Minato-san, that's too sudden. Also, how can you do that and ask that kind of question so indifferently...
Yukina : She wants to send some videos to her sister, right? I'm just helping her.
Ran : Wait! Don't point the camera at my direction! The one you should record is Rimi, right!?
Hagumi : Isn't that alright. Let's record everyone! Yay--!! This croquette is delicious...!
Rimi : Ah, Onee-chan, this candied sweet potato is also delicious. I bet you can't find it over there, right? Let's eat it together when you get back.
Ran : ... I, it's delicious.
Sayo : Your sister will definitely be delighted when she sees this.
Yukina : Yes. That's what I think.
Rimi : Yukina-senpai and Hikawa-senpai, what did you two buy?
Sayo : I buy grape candy. There's also apple candy over there, but grape candy is quite rare to find, so I bought it.
Yukina : I...
Yukina : I buy Yakisoba...
Hagumi : Waaa~! That looks delicious--!!
Rimi : Yakisoba, is it...?
Ran : That's something that you can find anywhere...
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