Chapter 3 - A pleasant surprise

== 30 Minutes later ==

Yukina : Don't get lost again, okay.
Little girl : Yes! Thank you, Onee-chan!
Lisa : I'm glad we could find her father and mother. Look at Yukina's face, she looks really happy.
Sayo : According to her father, she saw a cat and then run off to chases it, that's why she gets lost.
Ako : I see! So the reason she's really attached to Yukina-san is because both of them likes cat!
Rinkon: Ah, Yukina-san... she's coming over here...
Yukina : Both of her parents are really thankful to us. They also ask me to give their thanks to all of you.
Lisa : Hm? What is that in your hand?
Yukina : That kid gives it to me, A flower brooch.
Lisa : Waaa~, It's so cute! Hmm? Look there is a cat silhouette in the middle of the brooch. Isn't that great, Yukina~. It's a cat~.
Yukina : ...Geez. Ah, They also said that they participate in this event too, but [They're tired so they're planning to go home] and, also they give me this----
Yukina : That's... a map? It's bit different than the one that we hold right now...
Ako : You're right! It's written in the same language as the one that we see in the fruit shop earlier!
Lisa : Hm? Look at this!
Rinko : Could it be... This is where the... [Insignia] is?
Lisa : It's probably is! No, It definitely is!!
Sayo : In other words, if we go to this place... We could find the [Insignia].
Lisa : Waa---, You're awesome Yukina! This a huge achievement!! With this, we're one step closer to clear this mission.
Yukina : Is that so? I don't understand, but I'm glad that everyone is happy.
Sayo : We only have 15 minutes left. Let's rush to that place!

== Outskirt of town ==

Ako : Waa~, The atmosphere around this area is different. It has a dangerous vibe to it...
Lisa : Ummm, According to this map our destination is just around that corner...
Rinko : Is that... the place...? There's a large door over there...
Ako : Waa, it's a really huge door. I wonder if a giant could walk through it?
Sayo : Anyways, let's try entering it.
Ako : It won't open~, why is this door doesn't budge at all? Even the sign is written in that weird language... Did we make a mistake~?
Rinko : That's unthinkable, Ako-chan... there's no other route... other than this.
Lisa : Did your gamer's blood has just awakened, Rinko?
Ako : Hey! Look! There's something on the tablet! Ummm...[Please enter the password] it said!! Waaa, a Hiragana keyboard just appeared!!
Sayo : I see, to open this door, we need to enter [The password] on that tablet.
Ako : Ehh~, But, what is the password~. The password is 2 words and has 4 letters in each word...
Rinko : Ako-chan... don't give up... There's probably... a hint somewhere...
Yukina : Fuu~. I don't understand any of this. so I'll just rest for a little bit. There's too much going on...
Yukina : Ah, By the way, Ako. Did you buy a drink? You went to look for it earlier, right...
Ako : Ah! That's right! That's, I'm sorry... I can't find any...
Lisa : Ah! Then how about that? How about you eat the apple [Ringo]... Ah, no, the [Ringa]... right? How about you eat that? Where did I put it again... ah, here it is! Here, [Ringa]!
Yukina : Thank you, Lisa. This could quench my thirst for a little bit.
Sayo : Hm? That wrapping paper... Can I take a look at it?
Lisa : Hmm? What is it?
Sayo : There's something written in here. This is probably---
Lisa : Ah, You're right!! That weird language is written in here!! Also, it's 2 words and has 4 letters in each word!!
Ako : Uwaaa! That's it! That's definitely the password!!
Lisa : That's right!! You're awesome Yukina~~~! We could move forward thanks to you, Yukina!!
Yukina : Is that so? I don't really understand... Anyway, maybe I could find someplace that sells a drink on the map.
Rinko : Ummm... There's only one... problem...
Sayo : I know, Shirokane-san.
Lisa : Eh? What's the problem?
Sayo : The password is written in that mysterious language. But, we need to write it in hiragana on the tablet. In other words---.
Rinko : We need to... decipher... the language.
Ako : Ah, Hey!! We only have 5 minutes remaining! We need to hurry up!!
Sayo : If only we have some kind of dictionary to decipher this language to hiragana... but that kind of thing is...
Rinko : At the very least... we need to decipher that sign over there...
Yukina : Hey, Lisa. This place is apparently called [Giant's shop], you know?
Lisa : Maybe? Well judging from the size of its door, it's probably right..., ehhh!?
Sayo : Why did you know the name of this place, Minato-san?
Yukina : Well, It's written on the map that we received in the beginning.
Lisa : Eh!? Really!? ... Waa! You're right...!! I did not see this map at all!!
Sayo : The map that we received earlier is all written in that mysterious language. In other words, if we compare this 2 map---.
Rinko : We could decipher... the language...


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