Chapter 5 - Aya's [Idol way]

== Idol agency ==

Aya :  I want to show you a video...Ah, here it's. Then, I'm going to play it.
Aya : And, play...
Eve : Hm? Is this an audition?
Aya : Yes. This is the audition that I take to become Idol Kenkyusei (Kenkyusei mean research student). Please watch it.
Eve : Ah! That's Aya-san right! You're much shorter back then!
Aya : Of course~. I think I've grown about 5cm since then.
Aya's in the video : Number 261, Maruyama aya!
Aya's in the video : The thing that I like is singing and I also like Idol.
Aya's in the video : Please take care of me!
Eve : Waaa, You're so cute~.
Aya : Fufufu, Thank you, Eve-chan. After this, I passed the audition and become a kenkyusei.
Aya : This is my first step toward becoming an Idol. Ah, Then next is the singing test.
Eve : You even did a choreography too. I think I have heard this song somewhere before...
Aya : This is Marmalade's song. I really like Ayumi-san singing voice, and this song could also cheer up anyone than hear it. That's why I decided to sing this song for the audition.
Eve : How should I say it... I could feel Aya-san's feeling that wanting to become an Idol.
Eve : It's just like what I feel in yesterday's Live, when Aya-san said that you want your feeling to reach even to the people who sit at the very back!
Aya : This is my starting point. That's why I put this video on my smartphone, so I could see it anytime I want.
Eve : I see... so it's a way for Aya-san to remind yourself that...Rome wasn't built in a day.
Aya : Eh? What do you mean?
Eve : It means, the reason Aya-san can become like this now, is because of the hard work of Aya-san at that time!
Eve : The kenkyusei Aya-san, and the present Aya-san is intertwined just like a gradation!
Aya : Waaa, I'm really happy hearing that word!
Aya : This video always reminds me to do my best just like the me from back then.
Aya : I know that right now, I could sing and dance better than me from back then, but...
Aya : At that time, the only thing that drove me to work hard is the feeling of wanting to become an Idol.
Eve : Aya-san...
Aya : Right now, I already reach the place that I want to reach at that time, that's why I need to work harder now.
Eve : Don't worry about that! Everyone from Pasupare already knows that Aya-san always does her best! I could testify that!
Aya : Yes! Thank you, Eve-chan!
Aya : I musn't lose to me from back then. I must always do my best so I could become an Idol that surpasses even Ayumi-san!
Eve : Yes! You could definitely do it Aya-san!
Aya : I'll do my best to achieve it! ... In the end, I could only say that I'll do my best again...
Eve : That's how Aya-san is! As expected, you're a samurai, Aya-san!
Aya : Eh, Samurai!?
Eve : Aya-san always go straight toward your dream, I really respect you!
Aya : Wa- Wait, Eve-chan... If you say something like that so suddenly...
Eve : Just like I make Bushido as my goal, now, I'll also make Aya-san's [Idol way] as my goal!
Aya : Idol way. huh... That's not wrong actually...
Eve : As a fellow companion who aims for the same [path], please take care of me from now on too!
Aya : Yes! Please take care of me too, Eve-chan!
Maya : Ah, Good work. So both of you already here.
Aya : Ah, Maya-chan.
Maya : We're going to have an evaluation meeting for yesterday's Live today, so I'm planned to come early. But I never expected that not only Aya-san, but Eve-san have also come here more early than me...
Eve : Today is my turn to film Aya-san.
Maya : Aaa, You're right! So, what kind of Aya-san that you're planning to film today?
Eve : Fufu. Actually, I think it's already unnecessary to film Aya-san now. I already filmed a very wonderful Aya-san just now.
Maya : Ehh!? A- Already!? What is it about!? I'm curious~.
Aya : It's about a fellow companion who aims for the same [Path] that going to do their best from now on... right?
Eve : That's right! You could see it when it's up later!
Aya : Then let's start preparing for today's evaluation meeting.
Eve : Yes! Let's do that!
Maya : Uuu~, I'm really curious...


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