Chapter 5 - Turn my memories into shape

== Forest park ==

Rimi : I'm full~. That was really delicious.
Ran : Yeah. Then, what should we do for the last?
Hagumi : Hear me out~! Hagumi has something that Hagumi wants to do! Follow me~, Everyone~!
Rimi : Waaa, Slow down Hagumi-chan~!
Sayo : Kitazawa-san, don't just rush out like that!
Yukina : It seems we don't have any choice other than following her. Let's go then.
Rimi : This place is...?
Ran : Picture letter classroom...?
Hagumi : That's right! We have taken many photos and recorded so many videos today, but I think your sister would be happier if you sent her a letter.
Sayo : I see. Writing a letter is one of Japanese special characteristic after all. It's not a bad idea.
Hagumi : I saw this place when I'm searching for what to eat earlier. Anyways, Rimirin and everyone too! What did you all think?
Ran : Yes, let's do it. Nice idea, Hagumi.
Rimi : I also want to do it. Let's do it together.
Instructor : Then, let's begin the class. Please feel free to use any of the art supplies provided here.
Sayo : ...
Hagumi : Eh? What's wrong, Sayo-senpai? Why are you not smiling?
Sayo : I'm bad at drawing... so I'm a bit worried.
Instructor : Picture letter is not about how good or bad you're at drawing it's more about how can you express your feeling. Just draw what you feel.
Hagumi : ... That's what she said! Don't worry too much about it! Happiness happy magical to~~... Sayo-senpai!
Sayo : W- What was that just now...?
Hagumi : A good luck charm!
Sayo : Fufu... Thanks.
Ran : ...
Rimi : ... Waaa, You're really good at this Ran-chan!
Ran : That's not true. So you're drawing the same scenery as me, Rimi.
Rimi : Yes, I was really moved by the scenery that we see on the Kayak, so I draw that. Even so, Ran-chan's drawing is much better than me, even though we draw the same thing~...
Ran : S- stop that. Rimi's drawing is more focused on the Momiji that was floating in the water surface, huh...
Rimi : ... N, not bad, right~?
Ran : ... Please stop doing that.
Sayo : This is really difficult... You only draw a Momiji leaf, huh, Minato-san. That's really simple.
Yukina : Yes. The leaf that I pick when we decided on what to do is really pretty. It's all thanks to Kitazawa-san.
Hagumi : Eh!? Really--!? I'm happy~! Sayo-san too, the scenery of Momiji falling off from trees that you draw is really pretty~.
Sayo : Seeing everyone do their best catching leaf that falling off from trees left a great impression in me... so I decided to draw that.
Rimi : ... Everyone's drawing is really beautiful. Onee-chan, look, everyone is doing their best making the picture letter. I hope you could see this.
Hagumi : Rimirin, are you recording this?
Rimi : Yes. I want to show Onee-chan everything that we do today.
Rimi : I wonder to whom did everyone address their letter? Hagumi-chan, to whom you're going to address this letter?
Hagumi : This is--, for Hello happy! I'm going to tell them about all the delicious things that I ate earlier!
Rimi : What about, Hikawa-senpai and Yukina-senpai?
Yukina : Sayo and I address this letter to ourselves.
Rimi : Waaa...! That's so cool..!
Sayo : [FUTURE WORLD FES.] is near. So this is a letter for our... future self.
Ran : For myself...huh. Maybe I should do that too.
Rimi : What about you, Ran-chan?
Ran : I- it's a secret!
Rimi : So it's for your secret someone.
Ran : Rimi, that word will invite know?
Rimi : Sorry, that's not what I mean! But, it's definitely to someone that's important to you, right?
Ran : We, well... You could say that it's for someone who has more experience than me in life. (Tn notes : Her dad probably. CMIIW)
Rimi : Everyone sends their letter to someone important for them. They'll definitely be delighted when they received the letter.


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