Ending - From zero
Sayo : There's a crack on this plate. Let's replace it with the new one...
Lisa : Then, 3 plates and 2 glasses, right!? Okay--! I'm going to bring it now!!
Ako : You're awesome Rinrin!! To think you could solve this task! This is definitely the right answer!!
Rinko : No... it's all because Ako-chan finds these tablewares... if not... I won't be able to solve it.
Lisa : I see~. So the last task is for us to replace all the tablewares that have a crack on it with a new one.
Sayo : Well, even if it's a pretty tablewares, if there is even a tiny little crack on it, you can't use it for the party.
Lisa : Then next... let's replace this soup bowl with a new one and then---.
Ako : Yeahh---! That's all!!
Lisa : Waa~, That was close~. We barely make it in time! Then, we only need to wait for the [MISSION CLEAR] announcement from the tablet...
Sayo : ...Hm? Nothing pops out.
Ako : Why!? We have replaced all the defective tablewares with the new one, right!?
Rinko : There's still... something that... we haven't don't yet?
Lisa : Seriously!? We only have 1 minute remaining you know!!
Yukina : Wait, what just happened?
Ako : It seems that we still have something that we haven't done yet. So it's still not a Mission clear!!
Yukina : I see... I thought that I could finally get something to drink... eating that one apple is still not enough.
Lisa : It's not an apple, it's [Ringa]... Anyways, it's not the time for that.
Rinko : ...Eh? Drinks...?
Sayo : What is it, Shirokane-san?
Rinko : Ummm, Imai-san... can you check the... [Today's course ]... once more...
Lisa : Eh? [Today's course]... do you mean this menu?
Rinko : I - I see...! In other words---
Ako : W- what is it, Rinrin!? What are you searching in that tablewares box?
Rinko : There's a [Coffee]... on that menu. But... there isn't...any coffee cup... on the tables...
Sayo : I see...
Rinko : That's why... If we put the coffee cup in here, then...
Sayo : The preparation for the party is.. complete.
Lisa : W- we did it... We did it...! [MISSION CLEAR]...!!!
Ako : Awesome, Rinrin!!! We have cleared all of the mission---!!!
Sayo : What a wonderful observation skill, Shirokane-san. To think you could stay calm in that kind of situation, it seems you have finally mastered [Focused one mind].
Rinko : No... that's only a coincidence... Also... I could notice it... thanks to Yukina-san who said that [she want to drink something]...
Lisa : I see! Yukina, you help us a lot today!!
Ako : As expected, Yukina-san's throat is Roselia's soul!! Ako understand why today!!
Yukina : ...
Yukina : I still don't understand what's going on though...
Sayo : Fufu... As expected, The one who could lead Roselia is only Minato-san.
Rinko : Yukina-san... Thank you, very much...
Yukina : Well... I'm glad that everyone is happy...
== Theme park - Inside the park ==
Ako : If I enter this serial code, then... Waaa, Yes--! Equipment GET~!
Yukina : So this is the item that Ako wants.
Lisa : We also get one even though we don't play the game. Yukina, how about we try playing it once more?
Yukina : I'll pass. I don't want it to become like last time.
Sayo : Come to think of it, something like that happens.
Sayo : I'll try its performance after I got home. This is [Knight-only warrior's equipment], right...
Ako : Aaa--!!!
Lisa : Waa! That startled me~.
Yukina : Why did you suddenly shout like that, Ako?
Ako : T- This is... this collab equipment is... [Warrior equipement]!?
Ako : Why!? Isn't today reward is supposed to be [Mage's equipment] for Ako's necromancer to use...!
Rinko : The mage's equipment is... tomorrow reward...
Sayo : Yes. It's written on the official homepage.
Rinko : Recently... you start using knight job more often... so I thought... you want this equipment, but... don't tell me... Ako-chan...
Ako : I mistake the date--!
Lisa : Acha--. You have done it know, Ako.
Yukina : Well it's a shame. But, there's nothing we can do about it.
Lisa : I don't think you can exchange it either.--.
Ako : Uuu...uuuuu... How could this be...
Ako : Yukina-san... Lisa-nee... Sayo-san, Rinrin... Please! Let's come back again tomorrow!!!
Lisa : Ehh!?
Yukina : You want to clear the mission from the very start again?
Rinko : Well... to be accurate... the mission will change tomorrow, so...
Lisa : That's mean, we're not starting from the very start, but from zero again!
Lisa : I can't! I have a part-time job tomorrow!
Ako : Then the day after tomorrow... no, next week is fine too!
Ako : This is my once in a lifetime request! Once more! Let's cleared it once more~~!!
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