Chapter 1 - Soften both heart and body
Aya : Next we do Zentsuku, right... Eh? Zenkutsu? Zentsuku? What is it again...? (前屈 Zenkutsu : Forward bending exercise)
Chisato : Aya-chan, you don't need to be that nervous, you know...? Also, your body is really stiff today.
Aya : I, is that so...?
Hina : Now that you said it, you're right! Usually, Aya-chan's body is more flexible than this!
Maya : Let me help you with the forward bending exercise.
Aya : Eh!? No, it's okay...
Maya : Then, Here I go~~. 1,2.
Aya : Nghhh~~~~, I, it hurt...
Hina : Oooo~! It's working. Let me help too!
Eve : I also want to help!
Aya : H- Hina-chan and Eve-chan too!? It's okay, seriously.
Chisato : Then, maybe I should give you a hand too.
Aya : Even Chisato-chan!?
Hina : Here we go~ Everyone~~, 1,2!!
Hina - Maya - Eve - Chisato : Ey!
Aya : Ugh, Wait, this is too much~! I give up~~.
Hina : How is it? Did your body become more flexible again?
Chisato : Fufu. Not only your body, your expression has also become soften. That smile is just like the usual Aya-chan.
Aya : Expression... Don't tell me, you do that just now to help me relax...?
Chisato : Even when you're being filmed, you must always remember that we're here with you. So you don't need to worry about anything and act just like the usual Aya-chan.
Aya : Chisato-chan... Everyone... Thank you very much--!
Chisato : Fufu, then let's start our documentation on Aya-chan again.
All : Ooo--!
== A few days later ==
== Photo studio ==
Aya : Ummm... The one that going to participate in today's photoshoot is me and Maya-chan, right?
Maya : Yes. Today's we're going to have a photoshoot for my column on a magazine where Aya-san will be my talking partner!
Aya : Then, you'll also film me for the documentary, right...? S- somehow, my head is going to explode just by thinking about all of this...
Maya : Fuhehe. You don't need to think too hard about it. Aya-san only needs to act like you usually do. Don't worry, I'm going to film you secretly.
Aya : S-secretly you said...
Maya : By the way, I have already rolled the camera since earlier.
Aya : Eh!? You already filming me!? Tell me sooner~.
Maya : Just like what Chisato-san said before this,. Aya-san only needs to act just like usual.
Aya : Yes... I'll do my best to act just like usual! Ah, The photoshoot is about to begin, let's go!
== After the photoshoot ==
Maya : Fuu~, It's over~. Do you have any comments about today's photoshoot, Aya-san?
Aya : I, I don't know~... More than that, did I do something weird?
Maya : I'm the one who should ask you that question. If you noticed something weird in today's photoshoot, please tell me about it.
Aya : Eh--? Something weird...? I didn't see anything weird though...
Maya : Ah, It seems that they are doing a photo check over there. Let's go.
Maya : Ooo~, As expected of Aya-san! All of your photos look really cute.
Maya : Waa, Aya-san look really mature in this photo! Hoo~, But in this photo, Aya-san smile is, how should I say it, you're smiling like a child...
Aya : Ehehe. Is that so. I'm happy to hear that.
Maya : I'm wondering what was on your mind when you're doing a photoshoot? How can you change your expression so easily like that? Please tell me the trick...
Aya : Hmmm~... I don't know any trick, but when I'm doing a photoshoot, my mind start to recall so many memories.
Maya : Memories... like what?
Aya : For example, in this photo, I'm thinking about Pasupare doing a Live. And here, I'm recalling the time we go to the beach together.
Aya : By thinking about something like that, my expression changed without I even noticing it...
Maya : Ooo~! I just learn valuable information! I see! So you could do something like that!
Maya : Ummm, By the way, what did you think in this photo? Why did you make such a difficult expression?
Aya : Uu,mmm... T- that... I'm thinking about my English test...
Maya : I - I see. I could imagine that...
Aya : What do you mean by that!?
Maya : I didn't mean anything...!
Maya : But, I think the Fans would be glad if they hear what you said just now! It's something that they rarely heard after all!
Aya : ...Ah, I see! So you're still filming me! Sensei, it's a lie just now! I like English class.
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