Opening - White-White Day
== In front of station == Chisato : It's been a while since I get a day off, what should I do... For the time being, let's go somewhere. Chisato : First, How about I find a cafe to relax. Tae : Happy white day, Chisato- senpai Chisato : ...Eh? Tae : Happy white day--. Chisato : ... What I mean by [Eh] is, why do you suddenly say that, and not for you to repeat what you said. Also, Morning Tae- chan . Tae : Good morning, Chisato- senpai . Today is White day. Chisato : ...It isn't white day yet, I think. If my calendar isn't wrong. Tae : ...What is White day in the first place. Chisato : It's a day where we give a return gift for what we were given in Valentine, right? Tae : On Valentine's Day, I received some chocolate and gave some chocolate. This means I don't need to return anything on White day, right. Chisato : Maybe? Is that what happened in Popipa? In Pasupare we exchange chocolates on Valentine's Day, so we don't have any...