
Showing posts from February, 2019

Opening - White-White Day

== In front of station == Chisato : It's been a while since I get a day off, what should I do... For the time being, let's go somewhere. Chisato : First, How about I find a cafe to relax. Tae : Happy white day, Chisato- senpai Chisato :  ...Eh? Tae : Happy white day--. Chisato : ... What I mean by [Eh] is, why do you suddenly say that, and not for you to repeat what you said. Also, Morning Tae- chan . Tae : Good morning, Chisato- senpai . Today is White day. Chisato : ...It isn't white day yet, I think. If my calendar isn't wrong. Tae : ...What is White day in the first place. Chisato : It's a day where we give a return gift for what we were given in Valentine, right? Tae :  On Valentine's Day, I received some chocolate and gave some chocolate. This means I don't need to return anything on White day, right. Chisato :  Maybe? Is that what happened in Popipa? In Pasupare we exchange chocolates on Valentine's Day, so we don't have any...

Next Translation

The Whitest Day

Ending - From now on, Step by step

== A few days later == == CiRCLE Cafetaria == Ako : Congratulation---!!Rinrin!! Rinko : Ah, Thank you, Ako- chan ... Lisa : I was very surprised when I heard the announcement. To think that you will get the gold medal-- Sayo : If I'm not mistaken, the medal that you get from this contest is one of the topmost awards, right. Rinko :  Just by chance... It's just by chance... that I could do a good performance on that day... Yukina : There is no need to be modest. Be more proud of yourself. Yukina : Humans who do not have the ability will not be able to do that, even if it's only by chance. Lisa :  Ahaha, It's as Yukina said. Lisa : You could perform like that in front of that many people, that's awesome. Ako : Rinrin, you have already conquered your fear! Rinko : Is that really so...? I don't feel that way... Sayo :  You don't feel that way? Rinko : Y, yes. It's true that I'm having fun while performing... Rinko : But, I'm really...

Chapter 5 - Time to lift the curtain

== On the day of the piano contest == == Venue for the qualifier== Yukina : Is this the venue...! Lisa :  This contest is using a Hall this big for their qualifier! Sayo : From what Shirokane- san said, this is supposed to be a big event, so of course they will put in an effort. Yukina : Even so, There is so many people here. Lisa : I have heard there will be many people here, but I don't think it will be this many. She said she could finally able to play The set piece, but will she really be okay...? Sayo :  Yes, I hope she could just concentrate on her performance. Yukina :  There is nothing we can do even if we are worried ... Lisa : But~... Yukina : Rinko has already found her answer. Someone who holds on her own conviction is strong. Yukina : The only thing we could do now is just to believe in her. Lisa : Yukina... Sayo :  ...It's as Minato- san said. The only thing we can do now is to believe in Shirokane- san . Lisa : Yes, Right... Good...

Chapter 4 - My feeling

== Park == Neighborhood kids A : ... chan ! Rinko- chan ! Rinko : (Ah, It's the kid from next door...) Neighborhood kids A : Hey Hey, Let's play together--! Rinko : Um, Piano... I have piano lesson... Rinko : ( That's right... She invited me over... I must show her my gratitude..) Rinko :  Y, you see...Umm... Neighborhood kids  A : ? What? I can't hear you--. Neighborhood kids B  : Hey Hey! Come here quickly-! There is a big dog over here-! Neighborhood kids A : Really-!? Then see you later, Rinko- chan. Rinko : Umm, T, Than... Rinko : ... == Piano class == Rinko : (Why can't I speak properly... even though I must thank her...) Piano teacher : Then, Rinko-chan. Let's practice using the usual song. Rinko-chan? Oii~, can you hear me? Rinko : Y, yes... I'm gonna play it... Rinko : (It's supposed to be a cheerful song... But right now, I'm not in the mood to play it...) Piano teacher : ...Hmmm. It doesn't so...

Chapter 3 - The feeling inside the sound

== A few days later == == Studio == Rinko : (The reason I play Piano... I wonder what...?) Rinko : (That kind of thing... I never think about it...) Rinko : (Releasing an album... Becoming famous... I don't have that kind of goal...) Ako : Ri~nrin! Good work! Rinko : A, Ako- chan ...? Rinko :  The time for Band practice... should be still a bit later, right...? Ako :  Ako come here because I want to cheer for Rinrin! It's the same for Risa- nee and Sayo- san . Risa : Are you okay, Rinko? You seem a bit absent-minded...? Sayo : You leave the Studio door open. Please be more careful. Rinko :  Eh, It's true... I'm sorry... I'm gonna be more careful next time. Ako :  Hmmm, If it's like this, then it means the practice for the contest doesn't go well...? Rinko : Yes... Sorry... Even though you want to cheer me... I can't meet up with your expectation... Ako : No~! It's Ako who acted as she pleases! Please don't mind it! Lisa : Ri...

Chapter 2 - Stopped sound

Rinko :  The reason that made me start playing Piano... is because of a certain concert... Rinko :  My mother took me to a certain concert.. and I was moved by ... The pianist performance... Rinko : I want to play piano like that too... I thought... and then, I started going to piano class... --- Rinko : ... Piano teacher : Amazing Rinko- chan ! You could already play something as difficult as that!? Rinko : Yes... It's because I practice a lot... Piano teacher :  Fufu, Rinko- chan really love Piano. Seeing Rinko- chan playing Piano happily like that, make me happy too. Rinko : Ehehe... Piano teacher : If you could already play something at that level, you could probably enter a much larger contest. would you like to participate? Rinko : C-contest is, Um... Piano teacher : Don't worry. Rinko- chan has already entered many contests before, so even if it's a larger one, you could definitely play well. Rinko : Y, yes... --- Yukina : It's a little su...

Chapter 1 - Bad Feeling

== A few days later == == Studio == Yukina : ...Let's end today practice here. Ako : Rinrin, Good work-- Practicing a lot makes you tired, doesn't it--. Rinko : Ah, Ako- chan , Good work... Lisa : By the way, after this Rinko will be practicing for the contest, right? Ako : Ehh? Is that true? Rinko : Yes, I want to practice it even just for a little. Ako : I see. But don't push yourself too hard, okay? Sayo : Right, even at today practice you seem a bit tired, It isn't good if you push yourself too hard. Rinko : Eh...? Is, there... something wrong with my performance today...? Sayo : There isn't any miss in your performance. It's just that, your sound seems like it's sinking. Sayo : Did you feel it to Imai- san and Udagawa- san? Ako : Ah, Um, It's a bit different than usual... Lisa : Y-yes. somehow it feels not as energetic as usual... Rinko : ...... Yukina : Certainly, it doesn't feel like your usual performance. Lisa : Yu...

Opening - Rinko's Determination

== After practice == == CiRCLE Cafetaria == Yukina : Piano Contest...? Rinko : Yes, I want to participate... in the contest that will be held this time... Lisa : Come to think of it, You said you want to participate in a contest before. Sayo : Yes, I heard that before, but isn't it a long time ago? Ako : Rinrin is waiting for this contest to be held, right? Rinko : Yes, Because I have entered it before... Rinko : When I said I want to participate in a contest before... What I mean is This contest. Yukina :  Do you have any fond memories of this contest? Rinko : Fond memories... Isn't like that, it's just that... Yukina : ? Ako : But, will you be okay? You said you don't like participating in a contest because there will be many people watching, right? Rinko : Yes... There will be many people participating in it... And this contest will be open to the public... So there will be many people watching... Lisa : T-that will make you nervous, isn't it....

Next Translation project

Prelude's Replay

Chapert 15 - The sky that we see

== A few hours later == == Mitake's Household - Ran's Room == Himari : --Then, this is the baseline... Tsugumi : Yes, It could work. Ran : Yawn ... Moca : Ran, Good morning~ Ran : Eh, what... Waahh, It's already noon... Tomoe : I've seen the lyrics! It's really good!!

Chapter 14 - Connected

== Dawn == == Mitake's Household - Ran's Room == Himari : Fufu, At that time, Because Tsugu said she wants to see it at the very front! We all become wet after that-- Tsugumi : ... Himari : Eh, Tsugu, You look sleepy. Tsugumi : ...Ha!! S-sorry... Moca : Come to think of it, It's already morning. The sun has risen. Tsugumi : I never... stay up until this late...  Yawn ...

Chapter 13 - Our [The same as always]

== Haneoka Girls school - Rooftop == Moca : And then ~? How should we fix the lyrics? What do you want the lyrics to be like? Ran  :  [The same as always]... Right? Himari : I see~!... In other words? Tomoe : [The same as always] for us now... Let's think about the meaning of it once again. Himari : Tomoe Ni~ce! With that, we could think about ourselves and about the lyrics too. Tomoe : Hehe--, Right? I'm a genius, right? Moca : Look ~, Because of Hiichan say something like that, Tomochin is getting ahead of herself.

Chapter 12 - The path that the five of us walked

== Residential area == == On the way home == Himari : Yosh! After this, we only need to do our best in our Live! If I found a good place, I'm gonna send it to the group chat, so everyone please check it out okay. Moca : This time, you are gonna search the one that actually held on weekends, right~? Himari : Of course! The person who searches the Live that was held on a weekday before, Come out now! Moca : It's this person--.

Chapter 11 - Things that never change

== Haneoka Girls school - Rooftop == Tsugumi : Tomoe- chan , Himari- chan ! What did you mean by emergency!? Tomoe : A,aah... Tsugu, so you have come. Tsugumi : Because you said it's an emergency... Moca : Tomochin~, what did you mean by emergency? Tomoe : You see... Himari : Moca, what about Ran? Moca : Hmm--, I don't know. Will she even come?

Chapter 10 - The same sunset

== Haneoka Girls school - 1-A classroom == Ran : ... Ran : ( [There's something that I need to talk about. Please come to the rooftop.]) Ran : (...No, It's not good. I don't know what should I say. What should I do.) Ran : Sigh ... Even though, I shouldn't waste my time like this... == Haneoka Girls school - Front gate ==

Chapter 9 - Even if I don't understand it

== Hazawa's Coffee shop == Tsugumi : Let's see... [Flower language - Burnet]..... Tsugumi : Umm... [In the language of flower, Burnet has the meaning of (Change) (To change) (Admiring the future)]... Tsugumi : (It really is a Flower language that fit Ran- chan.. .) Tsugumi : ... Tsugumi : (Ran- chan haven't replied to my message yet... As I thought, my interpretation of the lyrics is wrong...)

Chapter 8 - Respective feeling

== Mitake Household - Ran's room == Ran :  ... ( Moca :  No, Ran has changed. You're already going to the place that we don't know.) ( Moca :  The thing that Ran see know.., We haven't seen it yet.) Ran :  (Everyone, right now ... What did they see and where did they see it ?) Ran : ( Tell me... Please...) Ran :  Hmm... From Tsugumi?

Chapter 7 - A world wider than the rooftop

== Haneoka Girls School - School Gate == Himari : Today Practice... Let's not do it. Tsugumi : Yes... You're right. Himari : ..... Tsugumi : ...Himari- chan , Are you okay? Himari : I'm might not be okay...ehehehe. I... noticed it after hearing what Ran said. Himari : Everyone in the Afterglow has experienced many things. I thought we have grown up. Himari : But, it's not like that. Ran is the one that moving forward... We haven't changed a thing. We always stood in the same place.

Chapter 6 - The thing that has changed

== A few days later == == After school == == Haneoka Girls school - 1-A classroom == Himari : Aa, Ran~!  Ran : Eh, everyone... What happen? Tomoe : Are you going to the studio today? Ran :  Eh?... But we don't have any plan to practice today. Tsugumi : We know, we happened to be free today and about the new song, we just can't leave it all to you, we want to help too.

Chapter 5 - The same as always ?

== Lunch Break == == Haneoka Girls school - Rooftop == Ran :  ... Ran : (Why can't everyone understand my lyrics?) Ran : (Even though I write it [The same as always ]...) Moca : Who~~~is it? Ran : Ha? Moca : Geez~ When I ask who is it, you should answer it ~ Ran : You suddenly appear and blindfolded me. How am I supposed to react to that ?

Chapter 4 - Dark clouds enveloping

== A few days Later == == Studio == Himari : Hmm, Then, How about if arrange the bass like this. Tomoe : No, If it's like that it won't match with Moca right? Himari : Is that so. Hmmm......This isn't good ~! I can't get the feeling at all! Tsugumi : The arrangement of the new song, isn't progressing isn't it....... Ran : It's hard isn't it without the lyrics... Sorry. Himari : No no! It's not like that!

Chapter 3 - New song is done ?

== A few days Later == == Studio == Tomoe : It's been a while since all 5 of us practice together! Ran, Good work on your study meeting. Himari : What are you doing in the study meeting actually. Ran : Many things. Himari : Tell me in detail please~! Ran : The Teacher... Well, it's my dad. Sometimes I just listening to dad's talk or chatting with other students, or just gathering while drinking tea.

Chapter 2 - Live and New song

== CIRCLE Lobby == Ran : Let's see... Next week Tuesday and Thursday... Ran : After that... Himari : Eh? Ran, You're here already. Ran : Before this, I had to go to the flower gathering, after it ended, I hurried and came here. Tomoe : So it's like that. Ran, Good work. Ran :  Did everyone come here together? Tsugumi : We've just met. It's still too early to enter the studio, so how about we wait here?

Chapter 1 - Burnet

== Studio == Tomoe : All Right, How about we end today practice here. Himari : Good Work, All of you~! Tsugumi : Good work! ......Aaa, Come to think of it, Ran -chan. Ran : Hmm, What's wrong? Tsugumi : Before this, I meet Ran- chan 's Dad at the Shopping District, He said, He can't go to our Live lately, because there is some inconvenient, What a shame. Ran : Well he is busy doing Flower arrangement lately... But then again! It's not like He needs to come every time!