
Showing posts from June, 2020

Chapter 11 - As I thought, Band is...

== Break time == == CiRCLE - Lobby == Kokoro : Nghhh ~~~!! As expected, performing together with everyone is really fun! Hagumi : That's right!! Hagumi also finally able to do the part that Hagumi bad at! Kanon : Hagumi- chan , you make a really happy face when performing. It makes me really happy too. Hagumi : Ehh ! Hagumi makes that kind of face? Ehehe --, I see~. Kanon : It feels really fulfilling when you finally able to do something that you're bad at. I also experience something like that before, and now the part that I bad at become the part that I like the most. Kokoro : That's amazing! It's better if you have a lot of things that you like! Let's keep on increasing the things that we liked from now on too. Lisa : Ohh , Is Hello happy having a break too? Good work--. Kaoru : Lisa, Good work. Roselia too, you all have a fleeting expression on your face. Lisa : Ahaha, Fleeting expression? Hmmm , did you mean that everyone look fired up? Thank you! Misaki : ...

Chapter 10 - Let's confirm this feeling

== In front of the station == Kasumi : Have everyone see the message that Kasumi sent? I wonder if she's okay? Tomoe : Well, she must be in shock right now. Someone said directly to her face that she wants to quit doing band after all... Tsugumi : All the more reason for us to improve our performance...! Ran : ...You're right. Moca : Hmm , Aren't that the Senpai s from Roselia over there~? Yukina : Hm ? Mitake- san . Did you come here to practice too? Ran : Yes, you're right. Ako : After seeing the message that Kasumi sent, we want to do something but, we don't know what to do... so we decided to do a session! Tomoe : I understand your feeling Moca. We also feel like that, it makes us really restless... Sayo : We want to know what we lack during our performance at the Mini live, and the only way to know that is to do a session now... Yukina : It seems that both of us thinking the same things. Ran : Of course, it's only natural because we are both a band membe...

Chapter 9 - I'm fired up now

== CiRCLE - Lobby == Marina :   I see... so something like that happens. I'm sorry, I wasn't there... Saaya :  It's not your fault! Sorry to bother you when you're busy, Marina- san. Marina :  Well ... the peak hour has passed, so I'm not that busy now--... as you can see. Arisa :  Looking at the condition now, I think it's better to go back to our original plan and do the Live with only 5 bands. Saaya  : In the first place, we come here to talk about that. And we just happen to meet that girl from earlier. Marina :  I see. You're right, in this condition, it's hard to scout a new band to join our Live... It seems that I'm being too optimistic. I'm sorry. Arisa : We also need to talk about this with the other bands later. Saaya : You're right. I'll contact everyone via group chat. Rimi : Kasumi- chan, Otae- chan, are you two okay? Kasumi : ... == Ichigaya's residence - Warehouse == Arisa : ... Rimi : ... Arisa : Oy, What shou...

Ending - Lighting the flame inside Akari once again

== 7th inning == Akari :  ...No, it's impossible. Hagumi - Kokoro - Kanon - Misaki :  ...!? Akari : Akari can't do it. Hagumi : That's not true! What's wrong with you Akari!? Akari : Akari doesn't understand. Akira work so hard... even everyone is praising Akari... but, even after all that, Akari still can't hit the ball. Akari : The pitcher has also gotten better. What should Akari do, why can't Akari hit it. Kanon : Akari- chan ... Hagumi : I see... so that's mean, Akari loses your self-confidence. Akari : Self-confidence....? Hagumi : Yes. But, if you bring out your courage, then you will definitely regain your self-confidence! Akari : B- But... how am I supposed to do that? Hagumi : Believe in yourself! After that, cheer yourself up. Akari :  ...That's impossible, Akari can never hit the ball... Hagumi : No, Akari, you can hit the ball! You just lose your confidence and became unable to hit the ball! Hagumi : The usual Akari wi...

Chapter 5 - Fleeting swing

== 3rd Inning == Misaki : We have come this far, the score is 1-2. The opponent has the lead... Misaki : (For Akari's sake, I must have fun to the fullest. In other words... I must enjoy this match to the fullest. Misaki : (Right now, I'm really happy that I can play softball with everyone... But I feel like I'm missing something.) Hagumi : ...! Kokoro :  Awesome! Nice batting, Hagumi--! Hagumi : Thank you! I did it--! Misaki : (...Maybe, if Akari sees that even a beginner like me could do something hitting the ball, or something...) Kaoru : What’s wrong Misaki? You’re the next batter. Misaki : Eh ? Ah, Sorry, I was thinking about something. Kaoru :   Oya , What are you thinking about? Misaki :   Umm ...A way for me to have fun in this match. Kaoru : Fufu, That's interesting. Did you get any good ideas? Misaki : Ahaha,  Yes. I think I know what I must do. Kaoru : That’s wonderful. Can you tell me about it? Misaki : N...

Chapter 4 - The batter box is the stage

== The next day == == Riverbed - Softball field == Hagumi : Please take care of me today! Kaoru - Misaki - Kanon - Kokoro : Please take care of me too! Hagumi :  Alright! We'll be playing defense first! Kano- chan-senpai , are you ready? Kanon : Yes...! I have practiced a lot after all! Hagumi : You're right! You can definitely catch the ball Kano- chan-senpai ! Hagumi : Everyone too! You all work really hard for this! Then... Let's do this--! == First inning – First half == Kanon : (It's going to be fine... I mean, yesterday I managed to catch Hagumi- chan 's throw.) Kanon : (Also... I could see everyone from here... Somehow, it just feels like standing on top of the stage.) Hagumi : ... Eyy. Kanon :  ...! Referee : Strike! Kanon :  ... Waa, I catch it... I catch it, Hagumi- chan ! Hagumi : Yes! Nice catch, Kano- chan-senpai! Akari : ... Waaa ...! Kanon : Ehehe ...Yes! Then, Hagumi- chan , let's keep this up! Hagu...

Chapter 3 - I want to hit the ball coolly

== A few days later == == Tsurumaki Residence – Batting Centre == Kokoro : Mr. ball. How are you today? I feel really great today! Kokoro - Kaoru : ... Kaoru : I see. What a shy little kitten this ball is. Kokoro : You're right. I never heard him speak even once. Kaoru : However, Kokoro. I remember something very important. If you want to get close to someone, then, you must make them know about you first. Kokoro : You're right! That’s very important! Thank you for telling me that, Kaoru! Kaoru : Your welcome. This is also for the match. Kokoro : Then, let's introduce ourselves! Starting from me! Kokoro : Hello, Mr. Ball! My name is Tsurumaki Kokoro! I'm the vocalist of a band called Hello, Happy World! Kokoro : In softball, my position is the right fielder! My favorite thing is everyone's smile! Smile is really a wonderful thing! Kokoro : And you know what? I want to become a friend with you! If we become a friend then we can have fun...

Chapter 2 - Let's practice again

== Shopping district == Hagumi : Akari--, It's getting dark, so don't practice anymore okay! Go straight to your home! Understand? Akari : Yes! Misaki : Akari is really energetic... She can still run that fast after all that practice. Hagumi : Everyone! Thank you for joining our practice today! Hagumi has a lot of fun! What does everyone think? Kokoro : You're right, It was so much fun! It's a shame that it ended so quickly! Kaoru : How strange. Time flies when we're having fun. Kanon : Yes. When we're doing our best or when we're having fun, time always went by quickly. Misaki : Well, there is still some part that makes me worry. If only we had more time, I want to practice a little bit longer... Kokoro : That's a good idea! I also want to play more softball! Hagumi : Hagumi too! Hearing everyone said that you're all having fun make Hagumi want to play more! Misaki : Eh ? No no, it's just a 'what if', you know? The practice field is a...

Chapter 1 - Let's play softball!

== Riverbed - Practice field == Hagumi : Everyone--, Listen! This morning I said that the match might get canceled because we lack the personnel, but look, I'm able to recruit some people! Kokoro : Hello--! We’re Hello, Happy World! Let’s have fun in the upcoming match, everyone! Akari : You’re all going to join our team...? Then this means the match will not get canceled! Kaoru :  Yes. Please take care of us, Skystar’s little kittens. The sky and the stars, your team has a really wonderful name. Hagumi : Right! Hagumi really like that name! And Hagumi really likes our team's uniform too! It's cool, isn't it! I'm glad that we have some spare uniform for everyone to wear--! Kokoro : Yes! Let's wear this on our next Live! Kanon : Fufu, The uniform that everyone wears have the same design, it makes me feel like I'm one of the team members too. Misaki : You're right . It feels different than when we're wearing our Live costume. Hagumi : Righ...

Opening - We only need to participate then

== Shopping district == Misaki : Sigh. .. Going to the studio during a day-off like this is really tiring. Hagumi :  Is that so? Hagumi thinks it's really fun because we can meet a lot more people than usual! Kokoro : You're right ! Especially today [Fleeting theme song] is really wonderful! Kaoru's guitar arrangement is really good! Kaoru : Thank you, Kokoro. This time I use snow melting in springtime as the image. Misaki : I'm tired because we keep on repeating that arrangement... Kanon : Ahahaha ... But, it's about time we created a new song. Let's think of something before our next practice session. Hagumi : You're right! Hagumi will do her very best tomorrow--! Other than band practice Hagumi also has a Softball practice tomorrow! Akari :  ... Ah , Hagumi- chan ! Everyone! Hagumi :   Ah , Akari! Eh, Why are you wearing your uniform? We don't have any team practice today. Akari : I was practicing my swing. Akari will definitely hit the b...

Ending - World full of smile! (Latter half)

== Studio == Marina  : Well then, shall we continue? Kokoro : Yes, of course! Everyone is fine, right? Kaoru : Of course. I’m sure that the little kittens want to know more about us. I'll answer all of the questions. Marina : Fufu , Thank you. Then, let's move on to the next question. Marina :   [I am thinking about starting a band, but can you tell me what kind of fun experience did you have when doing a band or when doing a Live?]...That's the question. Hagumi : It's always fun doing band and doing Live , right? Is there even a time when it's not fun? Hagumi :  This question, Hagumi doesn't know how to answer it. Kaoru : Fufu, That's fine, Hagumi. Happiness is something that you feel inside your heart not inside your head. So it's only natural that you don't know how to put it into word. Kanon : I feel like I gain more courage after I started doing band. Right now, I feel like I can do anything if it's with everyone. Kanon :...